News & Events

Vigil as convivial tool and convivial praxis

by Annie Paradise and Manuel Callahan 01.06.2021 Mothers everywhere have moved into a state of vigil. It is a vigil that is ongoing and without end, but also in motion. Catalyzed primarily by Black, Brown, and Indigenous mothers and also including aunts, grandmothers, sisters, daughters, partners, compañerxs, a proliferation of dissident bodies and genders, extended

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RE-MEETING: Say goodbye to always come back (RESIDENCY Mushuk Away Ecuador)

Residency Report – Harvest by Camilo Bossio <iframe src=”” style=”display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 1030px; height: 645px;” frameborder=”1″ marginheight=”0px” marginwidth=”0px” allowfullscreen></iframe>

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I-Science – Ndeye San

  Welcome, pirate friend, as you hold this booklet in your hands.  I would like to share with you a story: the creative, musical, dream-like and human journey, which gave birth to this album, Ndeye San. We are I-Science, freedom-thirsty pirates, seeking for alternatives and real equality, just like old-times pirates did, the first anarchist

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Dissertation as a crack/in the cracks

Playing with the possibilities, tensions and limitations of reimagining (higher) education from within <strong>By Stephanie Marie Knox Steiner</strong> A welcoming, an invocation: Welcome, dear friend of the Ecoverse, fellow traveler on this path! Welcome, body, Welcome, breath. Welcome, land that is holding us in our respective interconnected places. Welcome computers or phones or paper that

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Alivelihoods: Exploring Entrepreneurship, Earth Restoration and Soul Fulfilling Work Jain and Jayashree Arasu share their wisdom around Alivelihoods. Daniel Rudolph serves as the moderator and offers a guided meditation in the beginning of the call. You can read more about Manish, Jayashree and Daniel below. Manish Jain is the co-founder and coordinator of Shikshantar: The Peoples’ Institute for Rethinking Education and Development. After attending

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La lectura: Reinvenciones de lo común

Por Gina Gabriela López Realpe   Aunque no sepamos encender el fuego ni encontrar aquel lugar en el bosque, ni seamos ya capaces de rezar, podemos seguir contándonos unos a otros la historia, nuestras historias; nos recuerda Gershom Scholem (2012). Y, efectivamente, es en el relato donde nos encontramos, donde conocemos y cuestionamos, razonamos y

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Education Fit for the Future 

By Satish Kumar Education Fit for the Future  We need to make education as if people and planet matter The current educational system was designed to meet the needs of the Industrial Age, the age of mass production, mass consumption and unlimited economic growth. Young people needed to be trained in whatever skills were required

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Education is the Metacrisis

By Zachary Stein Editors’ Note: This article was reprinted by Ecoversities with permission from the author for the Re-imagining Education Conference February 2022. The original publication can be found here.   In this article Zak elucidates that “[i]n a time between worlds there is the possibility for true novelty and emergence. The best of the best

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Guide to Understanding our Alienation

This audiovisual guide is a curated collection of talks with Jinan KB, a designer and educationist who has been involved in existential research to understand the processes involved in the creation of knowledge, the formation of creativity, intelligence, aesthetics and its relation to the content of learning and the context. His primary interest has been

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What if We Re-invented the School?

What if we re-invented the school? is a story of hope and inspiration. It’s a story of DEFY-ance. Get on a journey with our learners- Niyonshuti Eric, Sayma Rahman, Irfan and Thandiwe Mafika from across Asia and Africa to see how they are fulfilling their dreams one NOOK at a time! Project Defy is small

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