News & Events

OPEN CALL – Ecoversities Residencies 2023

abajo en español abaixo em português [ENGLISH] ECOVERSITIES OPEN CALL for the 2023 RESIDENCIES PROPOSAL (between March and July), part of the Pollinators, Exchanges and Residency (PER) Circle Dear Ecoversities community, In these times of reviving and rebuilding relationships we feel that the regenerative power of connection, learning and sharing is at work today. So

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Is thinking generated by our brain?

by Emilio Fantin This essay was written in 2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic. Culture and nature: the logical challenge This is a poetic and resistance attempt to avoid being subjected to a digital format. Covid 19 has only accelerated the process that started with the informatics era, during the Second World War. We have not

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Firefly Frequencies Ecoversities Community Radio Workshop

For International Radio Day, on February 13th, our Ecoversities Community Radio, –  invites us to a time of listening, resonating through the sonic gifts collected in these almost three years of existence.  With the hope to expand the use of the radio across our different geographies and actions, and multiply our places of learning through sounds, languages, stories, music and

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Sulak Sivaraksa – The Pedagogy of Breathing Sivaraksa is a Thai intellectual and activist, who has played a leading role in the mobilisation of Thailand’s civil society. His life-long activism has involved the creation of a string of social welfare and development organisations; the proposal of alternatives to consumerism; and his concern for democracy, human rights and accountable government. This talk

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III Encuentro Regional Abya Yala – Medellín 2022

Nuestrxs amigxs de AgroArte Colombia, nos recibieron en Medellín (26 de Abril al 1 de Mayo) y nos invitaron a des-aprender la Memoria, el Arte y la Siembra. Fue una semana de convivencia profunda, encontrándonos con el territorio, con la ciudad y con el campo, con la comunidad anfitriona, con lxs demás, con el Tejido

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The Journey of Re-imagining Education – 11 Acupuncture points for mapping strategic opportunities and stimulating change 

by Andreea Gatman Revised and edited by: Albert Stephen Salazar Corrales and sierra ying allen This essay is a process of observing patterns and weaving practices based on 25 interviews conducted with educators, philosophers, entrepreneurs, researchers, and artists, titled ‘Voices from Reimagining Education Conference 2021”. In addition to the references for the interviews in the

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La Casa de Cultivo, El Semillero es un espacio en el que se promueve el buen vivir, por medio del comercio justo, cursos y talleres formativos que impulsan el conocimiento crítico por medio de distintos saberes, desde la ecología de los saberes de quienes asisten al espacio; así mismo el campo de la salud es

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BEYOND THE PERIPHERY OF THE SKIN Five days in Parma with Silvia Federici

Produced and Edited by Begonia Santa-Cecilia This film collects some of the visual materials recorded in a retreat in Parma, Italy, in 2019, which brought together thinker and activist Silvia Federici together with the Feminist Research on Violence, and women from different backgrounds. We gathered to share experiences, feelings, and processes resonating with Federici’s experience,

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Memories and reflections of the Ecoversities planetary gathering in Siwa

By José Salomón Espinoza Andrade | March 2022  “People from different parts of the planet came to the sixth planetary gathering of the Ecoversities Alliance. Each one with our own life story, ancestry and diverse cultures. And we connected, what a joy to be able to say it! We connected with fluidity, depth and solidarity.

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In Sickness and Study

leggi in italiano By Giorgia Frisardi and Mattia Pellegrini  Foreword  “Who can forget those moments when something that seems inanimate turns out to be vitally, even dangerously alive? As, for example, when an arabesque in the pattern of a carpet is revealed to be a dog’s tail, which, if stepped upon, could lead to a

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