News & Events

Reciprocity and Love in a Garden

Finding love and reciprocity in the garden during challenging times by growing community-based learning experiences.  by Rosemary Logan Colton Community Garden, Museum of Northern Arizona Flagstaff, Arizona, USA This evening I can nearly taste the scent of the damp clay earth with tinges of resinous pine at the Colton Community Garden in Northern Arizona. I

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University of Community Development – Balochistan

Balochistan is amongst one of the most drought-prone regions in the world, where a change in weather patterns due to climate change has only exacerbated the problem. In the first episode, Safdar Hussain, the co-director of the University of Community Development, tells us of an ‘eco-friendly campus’ that has been set up to show people

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The Prison of Ferality… Besieged Humanity

by Saleh Abu Shamala     Abstract   There is nothing more severe and cruel than for a person to live a feeling of oppression and suffering without being able to describe it and determine its causes and sources. It is the feeling of powerlessness and loss of human dignity when uncertainty meets oppression, and

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“You are what you eat”

“You are also what you are schooled to eat” Food is an intrinsic part of our daily life. Since the birth of a child, what, when and how food is, is dictated according to different communities’ way of life. As a child grows up, the caste, race, and the class community they grow up in

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healing intergenerational hurt with the more-than

by Doerte Weig   Trauma – not that which happened, but the inner response to what happened Healing – a renewed and continuous alignment and aliveness with Life I refuse to continue living with a broken heart I cannot live peacefully with a heart raging with anger  What would it mean to heal the hurt in

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The Labyrinth Within

The stories of my ancestors are to me like pieces of a map to navigate my own existence. I grew up listening to my grandmothers and the women in my family tell tales about how they survived through the rough times, as well as how they managed to find joy in everyday life.  Growing up

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Tejedores: Encuentro Ecoversidades Latinoamérica 2019

English below   Tejedores.   Las primeras horas suenan vacías, suenan a oportunidades que se anidan latentes en una especie de lucidez unísona, donde nos preparamos para salir de casa y hacer una pausa en nuestra dieta de elementos cotidianos; todos acudimos con la escucha atenta y las manos dispuestas a trabajar otro escenario, otro

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Finding Hope in Reimagining Education

by Clément Moliner-Roy   What if education was about decolonizing our minds And owning up to the wrongs of our ancestors…  What if schools would teach us to be self-sustainable By reweaving our relationship to the land…  What if colleges were spaceships into the unknown To expand the boundaries of our imaginations…  What if teachers

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