ecoversities: learners and communities reclaiming diverse knowledges, relationships and imaginations to design new approaches to higher education.
What might the university look like if it were at the service of our diverse ecologies, cultures, economies, spiritualities and Life within our planetary home?
our vision
The Ecoversities Alliance is committed to radically re-imagining higher education to cultivate human and ecological flourishing. Ecoversities seek to transform the unsustainable and unjust economic, political and social systems/mindsets that dominate the planet.
our hope
Supporting learners and communities around the world to reclaim their own processes of un/learning, knowledge co-creation and sharing, and community building.
Inspiring, nourishing, connecting and giving visibility to diverse eco-versities initiatives around the world.
Building solidarities, collective inquiries, inter-cultural dialogue and new experiments in higher education.
Nurturing an ecology of knowledges, radical pedagogies and learning commons which expands human consciousness and cultural and ecological regeneration.
our actions
The Ecoversities Alliance is a trans-local community of over 200 transformative learning spaces from around the world who have been meeting and working together since 2015 through international and regional gatherings, learning exchanges, mutual aid campaigns, workshops, collaborative projects, learning journeys, film festivals and publications.
our values and orientations:
An invitation to the unknown, allowing diverse ways of being, knowing, doing, relating to emerge.
Inquiry in Solidarity
An invitation to be authentic and critically engaged with co-learners, whilst invoking self-reflection, kindness, and compassion to support others in their own inquiries and discoveries.
Experiential Learning
Learning with our senses, stories, spirits, hearts, hands, heads and homes in order to find ways we are interconnected, and entangled in each other’s struggles and dreams.
An invitation to reconnect with and learn from the land, the place and the non-human. To engage in and promote deep localization.
An invitation to address, explore and unlearn the dimensions of oppression, power, and privilege that are part of our own lives, relations, tools, structures, histories and beliefs.
Inter(trans)cultural Dialogue
An invitation to learn in-between cultures, epistemologies, cosmologies, and to learning ways we might not recognize or have experienced before. To learn from/ within/ beyond diversity.
our purpose
Re-imagining the university and higher education to cultivate human and ecological flourishing.
Connecting people and communities who are reclaiming their local knowledge systems and imaginations to restore and re-envision learning processes that are meaningful and relevant to the call of our times.
Nourishing stories and practices that re-connect and regenerate ecological and socio-cultural systems, and re-build a diverse ecology of knowledges.
Here you will find an ecosystem of communities and organizations that are re-imagining the idea of the university and the purpose of higher education.
News & Events
Ecoversities ALL Members Welcome Call: August 30, 2PM Sao Paolo, 1PM EST
Newsportuguês abaixo español abajo Welcome!! Bem-vindxs!! Bienvenidxs!! This is our welcome call to the Alliance! Our beautiful hearts are just arriving from the Turtle Island Gathering and the Global Gathering in Brazil. Come, bring your...
0Ecoversities Alliance Global Gathering Brazil 2024: 17th – 22nd of August | International Registration Closed
News, Upcoming GatheringPortuguēs & español abaixo Dear friends! Save the Date! This year our annual Planetary Gathering is happening in BRAZIL!!! Find more information below and Registration Form here. English This is an invitation for you to gather...
0Ecoversities Turtle Island Regional Gathering 2024, Cascadia Bioregion | 19th – 23rd of July | Registration Open
News, Upcoming GatheringDear kindred spirits, In the dance of life’s unfolding mysteries, we extend an invitation to join us for 5 days of co-exploring, sharing gifts and skills, and un/learning. This will be the first-ever in-person Turtle Island...