News & Events

People of Flour, Salt, and Water

  People of Flour, Salt, and Water (2019) a film by Chto Delat (Olga Tsaplay Egorova, Nina Gasteva, Dmitry Vilensky, Nikolay Oleynikov) produced by Free Home University, curated by Alessandra Pomarico and Nikolay Oleynikov, with the support of Musagetes (Canada) and Regione Puglia. shoot in Castiglione d’Otranto (Andrano), Puglia, Italy, 2019 director: Olga Tsaplya Egorova

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Are mountains living beings?

by Dilip Jain A human being is designed to automatically develop wisdom based on a combination of his personal experiences, exposures and education. However, in today’s modern world there is such heavy influence of capitalist/ consumerist narrative that often development of wisdom is not a personal journey but driven by someone else’s agenda. In this

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Learning Reimagined! is nothing but transforming humans into more empathetic, enterprising, conscious and responsive beings.  Education is the process that helps people discover themselves and realise their true potential in the complete sense of being human. It is a process that helps a person find meaning and purpose in being useful to the society, equipped with

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✺ atenção-eclipse ✳

  “Attention-Eclipse” (2023) by Ana Pura, Isadora Martins and Tarik Fraig The authentic and pure values — truth, beauty and goodness — in the activity of a human being are the result of one and the same act, a certain application of the full attention to the object. Three learning activists gave themselves the opportunity

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Tejiendo ReExistencias – Red Mushuk Away (Documental)[english below] TEJIENDO ReEXISTENCIAS es un documental colaborativo que nos invita a conocer historias, voces, corazonares y sueños que se han encontrado en el camino colectivo, familia ampliada que llamamos “MUSHUK AWAY” (nuevo tejido). Es una invitación a enREDarnos para seguir escribiendo esta historia…. ! JUNT@S! A todas las personas que han sido parte de

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Earthly Companions********a guide for an interbeing (un)learning journey

Daniela Brasil (editor) Illustrations by Silvana Beraldo & Kate Morales TUCAN Publisher &  Ecoversities Alliance, 2022   This South-up_Gall-Peters-projection_World Map is a guide for understanding how we are interconnected with all other beings on earth, introducing the notions of interbeing* & Earth Beings**. This guide is an invitation to search for deeper relations, with oneself and the pluriverse. It weaves

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“Tejiendo Alternativas” – Entrevista a Gustavo Esteva Below~ A un año del fallecimiento del maestro Gustavo Esteva, su amigo y colaborador Franco Augusto Iacomella nos comparte esta entrevista que le hizo a finales de 2019. Hasta ahora solo se encontraba disponible parcialmente en forma de texto, en una edición especial de la Revista Magisterio de 2020 (disponible aquí: Gustavo nos comparte

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Open Call for Films and Podcasts

[español abajo]  Now into its 7th year of unfolding, the Ecoversities Alliance continues to connect learners and communities; an emergent ecosystem reclaiming different knowledge systems, and multiple ways of learning, and fostering radical imagination.  In this dynamic web of learners and projects, many insightful cosmovisions and inspiring real-life stories and sensings remain underground.   The Publications

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Swaraj Shakti Girls Program | UDAIPUR AS A LEARNING CITY In 2021, Swaraj University started the Swaraj Shakti Girls Leadership Program for young tribal women in Udaipur. These women have been labelled as ‘failures’ by formal education and are currently working as domestic help. The dream is that these women will become powerful leaders in their communities and

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The “Me” In the “We”

by Bindiya Vaid Stemming from the self, the journey from “me” to “we” could be very interesting and illuminating. Some co-travellers take the reverse journey, too. It’s fascinating how the heart of the transformation, or as we say in Theater of the Oppressed, the “shift,” from where you are to where you want to be,

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