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The Labyrinth Within

The stories of my ancestors are to me like pieces of a map to navigate my own existence. I grew up listening to my grandmothers and the women in my family tell tales about how they survived through the rough times, as well as how they managed to find joy in everyday life.  Growing up

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Tejedores: Encuentro Ecoversidades Latinoamérica 2019

English below   Tejedores.   Las primeras horas suenan vacías, suenan a oportunidades que se anidan latentes en una especie de lucidez unísona, donde nos preparamos para salir de casa y hacer una pausa en nuestra dieta de elementos cotidianos; todos acudimos con la escucha atenta y las manos dispuestas a trabajar otro escenario, otro

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Finding Hope in Reimagining Education

by Clément Moliner-Roy   What if education was about decolonizing our minds And owning up to the wrongs of our ancestors…  What if schools would teach us to be self-sustainable By reweaving our relationship to the land…  What if colleges were spaceships into the unknown To expand the boundaries of our imaginations…  What if teachers

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The Journey to Alivelihoods

by Manish Jain and Kalashree Sengupta We have interacted with thousands of youth and have found the most common and important question asked by young people in their education today has nothing to do with the syllabus or with what is happening in the world. It is related to, “What is your package?” This seems

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AUTOREFERENZIALE – Emilio Fantin on Art and Logic

This video documents a foray into a logic class to present from an artist’s perspective. The presence of an artist in such a context means that a link between art and logic has already been achieved. In the past, I have tried to bridge these two different worlds that are so far apart, but what

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Construir ámbitos comunitarios de vida para la defensa de nuestros territorios: La milpa como resistencia al despojo

Los procesos de despojo a través de la imposición de megaproyectos han sido sistemáticos durante los últimos años. Vivimos nuestros territorios en disputas, donde los conflictos sociales agravan la presencia de violencia en nuestras comunidades. En agosto del año 2014, en el Caracol zapatista La realidad se llevó a cabo la primera “Compartición entre el

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Centro Amazanga

Centro Amazanga is a natural sanctuary in the tropical jungle of Ecuador in the province of Napo. It is a place of connection with and learning from nature. We have dedicated our hearts to the conservation of traditional knowledges, to the native communities (kichwa) and to the tropical jungle. The principal purpose of Amazanga (which in kichwa mythology

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What my grandma left me/ Ce mi-a rămas de la bunica

More than ten years ago I was on my way to become a chemical engineer, studying at Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj, Romania. But then my grandmother died and her death radically changed my path in life: that’s when I finally started to live according to my own values. “What grandma left me” is my story

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Human & Natural Ecologies of Colorado — Groundwork to meet the challenges posed by climate change, ecological decline, and environmental injustice requires more than new technologies and policies. Changes to economies, political systems, and infrastructure must come in tandem with changes to values, attitudes, and practices. At Groundwork, we work to shift the foundations of the ways we understand ourselves and our

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