News & Events

Re-wilding and Re-membering Ancestral Ecologies

by russell sparks, thought partnered and collaboratively edited by lara birchler & will scott On the new moon in October 2019, I arrived in indigenous Purhepecha lands in Michoacan, Mexico, on the edge of Lake Patzcuaro.  Twice in the nights leading up to travel, dreams of traditional bowhunting had visited me.  Soon on arrival, a

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Invitation: Let’s Talk Openly about the Livelihoods of Popular Educators

A vulnerable field report and an invitation into collective inquiry – Alan Webb, January 2020 In 2018, I declared a sabbatical from organizing the Open Master’s and Alt*Div communities and became a sojourner—with intention, but with an aching heart.  It was honestly a move born of despair and desperation. Externally, I had a clear story,

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El Huerto que Cura (The Healing Garden)

leer en español Written by: Andrea González and Juan José Lugo Revised and edited by: Maru Vasco, Sierra Allen, and Alessandra Pomarico Abstract   Along the paths of our lives, we will find many approaches to what seems appropriate, what seems to be what we want, what we can do, how we make a decision,

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Preparing for a Confusing Future: Complexity, Warm Data and Education

By Nora Bateson Editors’ Note: Nora originally published this piece in September 2018 in the World Academy of Arts and Sciences Journal special issue on education. In March 2020, she republished the article with this message, “As we enter this confusing moment of Covid-19 isolation and systems change, it seems to me to be a moment to

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El Huerto que Cura

Read in English Escrito por: Andrea González Andino y Juan José Lugo Revisado por: Gerardo López Amaro  Resumen   En el camino encontraremos muchos acercamientos a lo que parece adecuado, a lo que parece qué es lo que queremos/podemos hacer. ¿Cómo nos movemos? ¿Qué decisiones tomamos? Todo esto se vincula con las formas de aprender/desaprender

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Institutes for Technologies of Reunion

Editors’ note: This essay is a reprint with permission from the author. Charles originally published this essay on his website in 2017.   By Charles Eisenstein When I graduated from high school in 1985, college was the unquestionable next step for an intelligent, middle-class or upper-middle class young person. I entered an elite school not out

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The Educator’s Unlearning Oath

By Manish Jain (offered in the spirit of the Hippocratic Oath) Unlearning is one of the most important processes we have to invoke and support in education if we are to find ways out of the global mess that industrial-military life has created. Unlearning opens an alchemical portal to reclaiming swaraj in our lives and

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Reassembling a Cosmopolitics as Subsensorial

by Pia Lindman I’m an artist and a healer: in both practices, my point of departure has often been personal experiences, guiding my inquiries and leading me to investigate the body and its place within the cultural space, as well as its relationship with the larger ecosystem. Affected by the powerful visceral experiences of a disease in my

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