News & Events

Finding Hope in Reimagining Education

by Clément Moliner-Roy   What if education was about decolonizing our minds And owning up to the wrongs of our ancestors…  What if schools would teach us to be self-sustainable By reweaving our relationship to the land…  What if colleges were spaceships into the unknown To expand the boundaries of our imaginations…  What if teachers

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The Journey to Alivelihoods

by Manish Jain and Kalashree Sengupta We have interacted with thousands of youth and have found the most common and important question asked by young people in their education today has nothing to do with the syllabus or with what is happening in the world. It is related to, “What is your package?” This seems

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Construir ámbitos comunitarios de vida para la defensa de nuestros territorios: La milpa como resistencia al despojo

Los procesos de despojo a través de la imposición de megaproyectos han sido sistemáticos durante los últimos años. Vivimos nuestros territorios en disputas, donde los conflictos sociales agravan la presencia de violencia en nuestras comunidades. En agosto del año 2014, en el Caracol zapatista La realidad se llevó a cabo la primera “Compartición entre el

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Earthly Companions********a guide for an interbeing (un)learning journey

Daniela Brasil (editor) Illustrations by Silvana Beraldo & Kate Morales TUCAN Publisher &  Ecoversities Alliance, 2022   This South-up_Gall-Peters-projection_World Map is a guide for understanding how we are interconnected with all other beings on earth, introducing the notions of interbeing* & Earth Beings**. This guide is an invitation to search for deeper relations, with oneself and the pluriverse. It weaves

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The “Me” In the “We”

by Bindiya Vaid Stemming from the self, the journey from “me” to “we” could be very interesting and illuminating. Some co-travellers take the reverse journey, too. It’s fascinating how the heart of the transformation, or as we say in Theater of the Oppressed, the “shift,” from where you are to where you want to be,

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Is thinking generated by our brain?

by Emilio Fantin This essay was written in 2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic. Culture and nature: the logical challenge This is a poetic and resistance attempt to avoid being subjected to a digital format. Covid 19 has only accelerated the process that started with the informatics era, during the Second World War. We have not

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Ancient Pedagogy for Modern Times: Learning through Monastic Practice

By Daniel Rudolph, Selby Beebe-Lawson Editors: Linnea Schluessler and Manish Jain This is part two of an ongoing series, the first article describes the indigenous pedagogy of the Gurukul System.  For centuries, monasteries have been hubs of education and scholarship, champions of learning. The word monasticism comes from the Greek word monachos which means “living

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The Journey of Re-imagining Education – 11 Acupuncture points for mapping strategic opportunities and stimulating change 

by Andreea Gatman Revised and edited by: Albert Stephen Salazar Corrales and sierra ying allen This essay is a process of observing patterns and weaving practices based on 25 interviews conducted with educators, philosophers, entrepreneurs, researchers, and artists, titled ‘Voices from Reimagining Education Conference 2021”. In addition to the references for the interviews in the

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Memories and reflections of the Ecoversities planetary gathering in Siwa

By José Salomón Espinoza Andrade | March 2022  “People from different parts of the planet came to the sixth planetary gathering of the Ecoversities Alliance. Each one with our own life story, ancestry and diverse cultures. And we connected, what a joy to be able to say it! We connected with fluidity, depth and solidarity.

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In Sickness and Study

leggi in italiano By Giorgia Frisardi and Mattia Pellegrini  Foreword  “Who can forget those moments when something that seems inanimate turns out to be vitally, even dangerously alive? As, for example, when an arabesque in the pattern of a carpet is revealed to be a dog’s tail, which, if stepped upon, could lead to a

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