About this publication
The work of Foresta Collective explores the notions of the ecological from a variety of perspectives, aspiring to contribute to the emergence of a mindset grounded in human embodied and embedded nature, interconnectedness, and deep entanglement with the more-than-human worlds. In spring and summer 2020 amid the first wave of the Covid crisis, we initiated an online series Ecologies of Attention. For this series, we invited friends and strangers to explore cultural narratives within various areas of attention, and together to imagine living otherwise. This publication offers insights into the conversations and processes that unfolded during this first edition of Ecologies of Attention. Also, an important concern to us was whether a collective, as well as embodied and embedded approach to learning could find its place in the virtual world. Diving into the online formats, we were surprised to discover a great potential to connect embodied and sensuous experiences through an aspiring exchange over long distances. This journey was the beginning of bringing our Seasonal Academy and Dojo space online — we want to thank everyone who supported this initial step.
The editors of this publication (Sabina Enéa Téari and Mascha Fehse) would like to express a warm gratitude to everyone who supported, contributed and participated in our first online format Ecologies of Attention in 2020, as well as this publication. Specifically we want to thank Ecoversities for their help in production, the artists whose work appears in the publication: Verónica Fabregat (collage), Eva Viera (illustration), Heather Lyon and Juliette Sutherland (photography), as well as the team of contributors to the online format in 2020: Alessandra Pomarico, Barbara Toma, Benjamin Vandewalle, Cansu Tanrikulu, Carolina Monterrubio, Carolyn Steel, Elisabeth De Coster, Egor Sviridenko, Eylam Langotsky, Inês Neto dos Santos, Lucia Pietroiusti, Mascha Fehse, Nikolay Oleynikov, Olga Graf, Rita Alaoui, Sabina Enéa Téari, Stephanie Ries, Tomm Moore.
We also thank all the beings, thinkers and practitioners who have influenced our work with Ecologies of Attention through sharing their work with the world, to name a few: David Abram, Matsuo Bashō, John Berger, William Blake, Marisol de la Cadena, Lewis Carroll, Guy Claxton, Gilles Deleuze, Harun Farocki, Masanobu Fokuoka, Michel Foucault, Édouard Glissant, Félix Guattari, Ursula K. Le Guin, Donna Haraway, Aldous Huxley, Carl G. Jung, Audre Lorde, Joanna Macy, Rene Magritte, Hayao Miyazaki, Rainer Maria Rilke, Ken Robinson, Gabrielle Roth, John Urry, Aby Warburg, birds and cats, fields and forests, the unnamed.