News & Events

Conversation with Mohanbhai

In this conversation Abhishek and Mohanji speak about the idea of decision making with full consent (Sarvanumati). They explore this deep democratic method from a pedagogical lens as a way to deepen ideas of non-violence and equality in people. A bilingual conversation, it will give you a sense of how a methodology rooted in Indic

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Kortal | Brahmaputra Cultural Foundation

A dramatisation about the musical instrument Kortal from the state of Assam in India. It starts with a fictional story about the origins and then gets into the construction of Kortal. The video contains glimpses of folk culture and Neo-Vaishnavite culture in the form of devotional songs, references to history. This format has been chosen

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ANIMA Ce projet de film documentaire et de livre (essai), vise à contribuer au mouvement mondial en faveur de modes de pensée et de compréhension de la vie plus sains. Alors que la pandémie de Covid 19 fait toujours rage, quelques mois après le semi-confinement imposé au Sénégal, nous suivons les témoignages de trois femmes engagées

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Mestres das Kebradas na Índia: uma Jornada para Reimaginar a Educação líderes comunitários do Jardim Pantanal, Jardim Nakamura, Capão Redondo e Ermelino Matarazzo participaram de um programa de troca de experiências em educação livre na Índia com iniciativas da Shikshantar e Swaraj University, em Delhi e Udaipur. A vivência faz parte da criação de uma universidade na periferia que reconhece como “professores” pessoas com conhecimentos

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III FUEGO nina | Tejiendo Re-Existencias Mushuk Away es un colectivo diverso de seres, familias, proyectos, organizaciones y comunidades que promueve filosofías de vida, encuentros pluriculturales, prácticas de aprendizaje consciente, mutuo apoyo y alternativas de vida hacia la autorrealización, la sustentabilidad y la co-construcción de una sociedad sensible, equitativa y de paz.

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II TIERRA allpa | Tejiendo Re-Existencias

Mushuk Away es un colectivo diverso de seres, familias, proyectos, organizaciones y comunidades que promueve filosofías de vida, encuentros pluriculturales, prácticas de aprendizaje consciente, mutuo apoyo y alternativas de vida hacia la autorrealización, la sustentabilidad y la co-construcción de una sociedad sensible, equitativa y de paz.

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I – AGUA yaku | Tejiendo Re-Existencias

Mushuk Away es un colectivo diverso de seres, familias, proyectos, organizaciones y comunidades que promueve filosofías de vida, encuentros pluriculturales, prácticas de aprendizaje consciente, mutuo apoyo y alternativas de vida hacia la autorrealización, la sustentabilidad y la co-construcción de una sociedad sensible, equitativa y de paz.

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Conversation With Rajaji

In conversation with Rajaji, we look at how social movements can be engines of change, and how solidarity with the most marginalized is the key to creating a better world. Rajagopal P. V., a Gandhian activist, is a former Vice Chairman of the Gandhi Peace Foundation, New Delhi. He is the founding member and president of Ekta Parishad,

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Xutuli | Brahmaputra Cultural Foundation

  A dramatisation about the musical instrument Xutuli from the state of Assam in India. The video starts with the probable story about the origins and then gets into the construction of different kinds of Xutuli. We also illustrate the science behind its musical tunes. This format has been chosen so that the video can

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Institution and Autonomy. How to Draw from the Perspective of Nature? 4/4

  Institution & Autonomy – Gentle Mechanisms of Ideology In the last, fourth session on Nature and Ideology we synthesize our thoughts and artistic discipline. This time, the canvas is a bit larger, a razor blade is needed, the conclusions sound sharp and direct. Preliminary theses on nature and ideology: The natural environment which encompasses

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