The Green Business College

Our vision is for The Green Business College to be an inspiring and innovative hub of learning, fostering a community of successful ‘green’ entrepreneurs. Our vision is for the Green Business College to be replicated in communities across Africa creating a network of centres, trainers, and ‘green’ entrepreneurs.

Johannesburg, South Africa

The Green Business College is a college dedicated to building ‘green’ entrepreneurs by uniting green skills with business know-how. The Green Business College was established in 2017 as a social enterprise by SEED Community ( Inspired by the BOOKBRIDGE model (, it was founded with the support of the HILTI Foundation ( As of October 2020, The Green Business College has been taken over by Ms Matshepiso Makhabane

The core offering of the Green Business College is affordable, short courses where students are taught practical ‘green’ skills accompanied with business skills and provided access to sales channels where they can sell their products. As part of our offering, we provide students with ongoing business coaching and mentor support. By course end students are able to establish their own small ‘green’ business, which will not only provide them with financial autonomy but also form part of a sustainable solution to the environmental, economic, and social crisis South Africa is facing today.

Our vision is for The Green Business College to be an inspiring and innovative hub of learning, fostering a community of successful ‘green’ entrepreneurs. Our vision is for the Green Business College to be replicated in communities across Africa creating a network of centres, trainers, and ‘green’ entrepreneurs.

Our mission is to recruit, train, and develop aspiring ‘green entrepreneurs’. With a focus on the under-employed members of the community, the Green Business College teaches innovative ‘green skills’ partnered with key business skills and provides links to sales channels to assist students to set up their own sustainable, environmentally friendly, small business.


24 Victoria Rd, Lorentzville, Johannesburg, 2094, South Africa

(27) 73 237 2683

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