Ecoversities Asian Regional Gathering, at Triem Tay Garden, Hoi An, Vietnam
Xin chào, Hello, 안녕하세요, สวัสดี, नमस्ते,こんにちは,…
We are excited to extend an invitation to join us in feeling, dancing, and speaking into the winds of change, to gather together with other higher education revolutionaries, dreamers, and visionaries from around Asia and collectively and radically Reimagine Education as part of
The Second Asian Regional Gathering of the Ecoversities Alliance
After the successful first Asia gathering in Thailand last year, the VCIL Community, which has been an active part of this movement for years, is honored to host this year’s gathering in Vietnam.
Our primary focus is to bring together people who are deeply involved with reimagining higher education — working within, against, and beyond the modern education systems & universities — as well as in locally-rooted learning spaces that are regenerating community, ecology, local economy and a sensibility of coming back home. Many of these places are connected with different grassroots, social and ecological movements, indigenous communities, and others.
Registration and Information Package
During the 4-day Asia Ecoversities Alliance gathering you can expect to:
- Get to know and connect with noble friends, like-minded people and groups,
- Share ideas, practices and dreams for unlearning and relearning,
- Get inspired by the richness and diversity of learning practices taking place in the Asian region,
- Be introduced to the Ecoversites Alliance, and
- Discover different possibilities with the network.
Board and Lodging: Accommodation will be simple – mostly in eco-friendly design houses in shared dormitory spaces. (Single occupancy rooms are available upon request – and at additional cost). There will be vegetarian meals served everyday (breakfast, lunch and dinner).
Travel: International flights arrive in Da Nang at Da Nang international airport, and it takes around 45 – 60 mins drive from Da Nang city to Hoi An city.
Cost: The estimated cost of participation in the 4-day gathering is $150 USD per person (including board and lodging). Nevertheless, the gathering will be offered in the spirit of gift culture. We invite people to contribute as much or as little as they can. Additionally, if you are not able to travel this year, consider supporting someone who can.
There is limited financial support available for flights, which participants are required to arrange for themselves and express the need for in the registration form. We will be considering geographic distances, relevant flight prices, involvement and activity with the Alliance, global privileges/injustices of geographies and currencies.
Otherwise, participants will also be asked to cover any visa or health-related expenses like travel health insurance.
How to Apply? Your first step to get involved in this adventurous gathering is to register through this application form: https://forms.gle/5PQjXeZfrHxKQKvG8
Last day to fill the registration form: September 25th, 2023.
Questions? Feel free to email Huy at huy.hoang@vcil.education or Thien at thien.quach@vcil.education or Harsh at harshw2409@gmail.com
With love from the Asian Regional Gathering Organising Team
Manish, Huy, Thien, Vu, Trinh, Ha, and Harsh
About the Ecoversities Alliance
The Ecoversities Alliance is a trans-local community of over 200 transformative learning spaces from around the world who have been meeting and working together since 2015 through international and regional gatherings, learning exchanges, campaigns, workshops, learning journeys, film festivals and publications.
It is an emerging knowledge movement that is slowly building all over the world. A part of this movement can be described as a network of ‘eco-versities’—people, organizations, and communities who are reclaiming knowledge systems and a cultural imaginary to restore and re-envision learning processes that are meaningful and relevant to the challenges of our times.
Although diverse in its origins, these different pedagogical initiatives both critique the existing education systems, and cultivate new practices to regenerate ecological, social, and cultural ecosystems, whilst also reflecting on the meanings of ‘home’ as locality and as an ‘economy’: hence the name ‘eco-versities’.
To further the collaborations and intensify the relationships and the mutual learning among this wider network, the Eco-versities plenary gathering was organized by practitioners engaged in creating learning sites, both outside and inside the conventional academia.