News & Events

Azadwadi Forest isCool: Cultivating Tomorrow’s Eco-Leaders, India

Azadwadi Forest IsCool was created to nurture eco-awareness and a deep connection with nature in children and young adults. Tomorrow’s leaders must be rooted in sustainability, harmony, and compassion to address the world’s challenges. To save our kids from modern slavery, we must create an environment that equips them to face challenges without compromising their

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EMANDULO Ecobrick Project, Eastern Cape South Afrika

The Mother Project is EMANDULO Wellness village is a sanctuary for indigenous knowledges, practices and ecologies located in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. The germinating seed project is a learning journey leading to the Mother project called EMANDULO Ecobrick Project which is an ongoing story after we launched it in July, the germinating

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Tejiendo Aprendizajes con la Pacha Mama y la Unu Mama

La experiencia de innovación educativa realizada por los docentes de la Institución Educativa Alejandro Velasco Astete – Cusco a través del Proyecto: “Chacra y fuentes de agua: lugares y tiempos para el aprendizaje intercultural y ambiental”. Es realmente un esfuerzo por hacer de la educación una práctica sintiente y emotiva y a la vez emancipadora y critica en estos tiempos de incertidumbre global. Ella reconoce, revaloriza y “utiliza” unos lugares y unos tiempos de su pequeño territorio escolar para reconectar la relación humana con la naturaleza, las deidades y el cosmos, tal como lo hacían nuestros ancestros quechuas.

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Willkamayu Río Sagrado

El Centro de Promoción de las Sabidurías Interculturales (CEPROSI) pone a disposición el libro Willkamayu, río sagrado. Estrategias para la convivencia con la Madre Agua como material de consulta y/o breve manual de acción en torno al cuidado del agua. El propósito de esta publicación es el de dar a conocer la naturaleza del agua en sus diversas manifestaciones en el marco de la vivencia de la cultura andina-amazónica heredada en el Perú. De este modo, se espera sensibilizar a todo lector, sin importar su edad y condición, para iniciar o promover acciones de revalorización y convivencia con la Madre Agua, de modo personal y/o institucional, en estos tiempos de incertidumbre.

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The Re-imagining Education Conference FANZINE: The Inside Story

This fanzine is built with the collective gardening and the harvest of the last 3 years from attendees, speakers, volunteers, panelists, and organizers.

We had in mind that the conference has inspired people to share poetry, drawings, notes, ideas, inspiring and profound phrases, songs; we found so
much beauty that we wanted to take the time to create this fanzine by hand. We made it in this format because it gives us the freedom to link different forms of expression.

There are many things; we couldn’t include everything. We apologize in advance if we did not include you in this compilation.

The REC conference is offered in the spirit of the gift, we believe in generosity, love and kindness and we are open to receiving gifts in return.

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Nina Shear Residency in Instituto Favela de la Paz

Uma experiencia de pao de queijo, muito feijao y samba!

I was in Sao Paulo city for two months and three weeks. During my time there I was able to understand a lot of Brazilian culture, their music, the favela history and way of living, the language, and their food.

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Re-imagining Education Conference 4.0 – October 24 – 27, 2024! Let’s bring our imaginations together!

Education is what shapes our collective hearts and minds. As the cracks in the systems widen, we must come together to reimagine what we learn, how we learn it, how to compost it, and who we regard as our teachers. Join us for an interactive, multi-day dialogue during the 4th annual Reimagining Education Conference. Your voice is needed.

Please join us from Oct 24th- 27th! Register here:
This event is offered in the spirit of the gift economy.

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becoming Monster: A Convening at the End of the Human | October 30th – November 3rd 2024

Becoming Monster will introduce us to strange characters and other-than-human creatures, co-created in praxis through art-making, creative process, intuitive and body-based explorations, ritual, ceremony and celebration. The online, hybrid and in-person sessions have been offered up by friends and kin of ten (The Emergence Network), but the experience will be shaped by all of us who participate in a multiplicity of ways. You are welcome here. All of your various parts, emotions, practices, life experiences, questions, doubts and longings are welcome in this experimental festival.

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