News & Events

La Nada – Ecoversities Germinator Fund Report 2022

We invite you to check our instagram and facebook portals so that you can get access to pictures and videos of the activities being hosted, ill leave some pictures here as well. <style>/*! elementor – v3.13.2 – 11-05-2023 */ .elementor-widget-image{text-align:center}.elementor-widget-image a{display:inline-block}.elementor-widget-image a img[src$=”.svg”]{width:48px}.elementor-widget-image img{vertical-align:middle;display:inline-block}

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Enlivened Cooperative Interbeing Un/Learning Journey Yucatán – Germinator Fund Report 2022

The Enlivened Cooperative is a worker-owned, not-for-profit, eco-social learning organization. We are reimagining learning in support of people, grassroots communities and organizations with tools, practices and sensibilities to co-construct inter-cultural and ecological worlds. For us, this involves bringing together principles of cooperativism, biomimicry, inter-cultural learning and well-being. We organize ourselves as an eco-social learning cooperative, enlivening how and what we learn together and in places we are currently rooted. We also enliven learning by connecting our heads, hearts, hands and home, emphasizing joyful learning in and with diversity and our relationships.

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Mushuk Away Ecuador – Reporte de Germinadores 2021

La Red Mushuk Away orgánica y sincrónicamente ha ido configurando un tejido de relaciones y haceres donde se ha gestado natural y amorosamente una estructura organizativa y “metodología” de intercambio de saberes y experiencias, sobre una filosofía clara y profunda de co-crear alternativas a la educación, reconociendo, activando, fortaleciendo y revitalizando las formas de vida naturales, saberes ancestrales y las diversas formas de aprender y hacer cultura.

Nuestro proyecto es la co-construcción de “Yachay Away”, generado al principio como “Universidad de la Vida” y ahora como el Tejido de Sabiduría que transita todas las etapas de la vida. Es un encuentro constante de “sembradores, hacedores y soñadores”, desde los núcleos: Sierra norte, Sierra sur y Amazonía del Ecuador, donde se articulan las diversas posibilidades de aprendizaje mediante el mapeo de saberes, los viajes de aprendizaje, la construcción de espacios simbólicos y concretos de nuevas formas de co-existencia.

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Centro Comunitario de Aprendizaje – Reporte de Germinadores 2021

El Centro de Aprendizaje Comunitario “Construir Nosotros”, surge a partir del encuentro entre una diversidad de pensamientos e inquietudes, enfocados en formar redes de aprendizaje, descentralizar el conocimiento, reconocer distintas visiones y contextos, respetar la escucha, el habla y los saberes. Tenemos claro que el amor, el cariño y la amistad son pilares fundamentales en un contexto donde cada día se desgarra más el tejido social, lazos comunitarios y la conexión con la naturaleza.

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EA University Hawaii – Germinator Fund Report 2021

EA Ecoversity is the first Ecoversity in the Pacific Region, standing for Education with Aloha. EA Ecoversity is designed to empower the 52% Native Hawaiian youth and young adults who are not pursuing a post-secondary education and generally end up on the bottom of the socio-economic ladder, often houseless and without hope for the future. EA Ecoversity will provide these learners with achievable, budget-friendly options to attain foundational contemporary and traditional skills that will empower them to thrive in their homeland. The Germinator Grant has been used to cover a total of 150 hours of the administrator’s pay, which is roughly 21 days of work (7 hrs/day) not including any taxes or payroll fees. As EA Ecoversity Administrator, Krisha is responsible to create the initial EA Ecoversity infrastructure and operations in partnership with the EA Ecoversity Design Team and CEO. This includes but is not limited to: the application process for learners and mentors, learner requirement documents, website development, marketing materials, learner and mentor intake, community outreach, and building our EA Ecoversity Advisory Boards.

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M.E.D.U.S.E. Project Ammiranto Culture House Italy – Germinator Report 2021

Mediterrenean ecofeminist decolonial union for self education wish to be a first, constitutive step to build a learning program and a feminist curriculum in the area of the Mediterrenean, reuniting and connecting experiences, practices, spaces, programs across different contexts, supporting the spread of collective and collaborative feminists learning centers. The emphasis is on critical and radical pedagogies, feminist and indigenous epistemics, within a decolonial and postdevelopment framework, through convivial tools, artistic inquiries, critical thinking, hoping to mobilize change for a more just and ecologically sustainable world.

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Instituto NUA San Paulo Brazil – Germinator Fund Report 2021

UA’s proposal of is to expand Sustainable Ghetto to other public spaces in the
neighborhood and surroundings, to involve new farmers and farmers-to-be and to
create community organic gardens that can generate food for the quebradas and a
“career path” for the local youth. It will demonstrate in practice the various
alivelihoods that can be pursued in localized, sustainable and healthy food chain.

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