News & Events

Ecoversities New Members Welcome and Orientation Call – November 30

português abaixo español abajo Dear friends of the Ecoversities Alliance, You are all invited to participate in our coming Welcome Call, a place for reunion among old and new members, sharing dreams, experiences and guidance about what is this global movement called The Ecoversities Alliance. We will meet next Thursday 30 of November, at 11am

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The Labyrinth Within

The stories of my ancestors are to me like pieces of a map to navigate my own existence. I grew up listening to my grandmothers and the women in my family tell tales about how they survived through the rough times, as well as how they managed to find joy in everyday life.  Growing up

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Tejedores: Encuentro Ecoversidades Latinoamérica 2019

English below   Tejedores.   Las primeras horas suenan vacías, suenan a oportunidades que se anidan latentes en una especie de lucidez unísona, donde nos preparamos para salir de casa y hacer una pausa en nuestra dieta de elementos cotidianos; todos acudimos con la escucha atenta y las manos dispuestas a trabajar otro escenario, otro

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