This is the Re-imagining Education Conference 4.0
What does the future of education look like? What would happen if we start to co-create education with the Earth? How can we cooperate autonomously to re-imagine education? How can we listen to our territories to inform our actions, decisions, and lives? How can we nurture our soils to regenerate all the damage the education system has brought to our minds, bodies, and spirits?
As the cracks in the systems widen, we must come together to reimagine what we learn, how we learn it, how to compost it, and who we regard as our teachers. Join us for an interactive, multi-day dialogue during the 4th annual Reimagining Education Conference. Your voice is needed.
Please join us from Oct 24th- 27th! Register here: https://re-imagining.education/
This event is offered in the spirit of the gift economy.

This vibrant virtual gathering happening Oct 24th- 27th brings together hundreds of leaders, un/learners, artists, and caretakers revisioning how we embody education, how we bring life into our places of learning.
It’s hosted in collaboration with the Ecoversities Alliance, a web of learners and communities from a plurality of worldviews, backgrounds and experiences. It’s an invitation to be inspired, build relationships, and tap into deep imagination around what learning can be.
Through the conference, our hope is to make space for questions to surface and relations to emerge and strengthen.
How can we incorporate learnings from thriving underworlds to surface in our education practices?
How can we cooperate autonomously to re-imagine education?
How can we listen to our territories to inform our actions, decisions, and lives?
How can we remember to be part of the Earth and co-create with it?
The conference is an invitation to make connections and deepen relationships with a wide range of individuals, organizations, networks, and social movements dedicated to the transformation of education, within and beyond academia, as a critical step in building a world in service to life. This year we have an incredible mix of interactive workshops, panels, facilitated discussions, open spaces, embodiment, lightning-talks, action-driven round tables, and collaboration labs including:
- Collective Dreaming
- Youth Perspectives on Decolonial Learning/Indigenizing Learnings
- Reweaving Cultures of Connection and Repair
- Transforming, Decolonising or Abandoning Mainstream Education?
- Playing with Conflict
- Indigenous Worldview Precepts to Restore Balance on Planet Earth
- Queer Theory, Pedagogy and Mental Health
- Regenerative Leadership, Care & Community
- Redesigning Universities
- and many more…
We welcome you to this gathering of pedagogues, visionaries, pleasure activists, un/researchers and tricksters… along with our many ecologies and kin.
What questions will you bring? Your voice is needed.
To learn more & sign up visit: https://re-imagining.education/