Written Publications

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Inspirations for Starting your own Ecoversity

The Re-imagining Education Conference FANZINE: The Inside Story
This fanzine is built with the collective gardening and the harvest of the last 3 years from attendees, speakers, volunteers, panelists, and organizers.
We had in mind that the conference has inspired people to share poetry, drawings, notes, ideas, inspiring and profound phrases, songs; we found so
much beauty that we wanted to take the time to create this fanzine by hand. We made it in this format because it gives us the freedom to link different forms of expression.
There are many things; we couldn’t include everything. We apologize in advance if we did not include you in this compilation.
The REC conference is offered in the spirit of the gift, we believe in generosity, love and kindness and we are open to receiving gifts in return.

Expanding Education’s Capacities to Face the World’s Complexities
by Clément Moliner-Roy With support and feedback from Andrea González, Devin Bokaer, João Gabriel Almeida and Manish Jain. We live

Towards oneness: Educating for a paradigm shift
By Clément Moliner-RoyWith support and feedback from Andrea González, Ethel Pang, João Gabriel Almeida and Manish Jain. To shift or

Ecoversities Latin America: Collective Learnings of a Cosmopolitics of Localized Tenderness
By Gerardo López Amaro Abya Yala, ‘ripe land’ in Kuna -also known as the American continent- is home to ineffable

Ecoversities – A Reflection on Re-imagining Education
Ecoversities Alliance: A Reflection on Re-imagining Education and Supporting Learning Communities Text by: Udi Mandel and Gerardo Lopez Amaro Illustration

Holding Space, Together
By Alessandra Pomarico with Kū Kahakalau and Kate Morales Okiciya makiyokipi na iyuteya, cuke wayokapi, mitakuye oyasin. Help each other

Weaving and Un-weaving stories
by Rahul Hasija Possibilities and potency of Stories & Narratives in shaping Ecoversities and their work Each night in my

Catalogue of Radical Pedagogies
The Future is Now: Ecoversities Alliance Catalogue of Radical Pedagogies Compiled and Edited by: Sweta Daga and Manish Jain

Childhood Harbor
By Traian Brumă Part I : Five types of watercrafts that sail towards adulthood Introduction For a quarter of a

From tourists to pilgrims, the pedagogy of traveling
By Sharmila Govande “A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions.”

THE ECOVERSITIES STARTUP KIT – developed by India members
Each of us, individually and collectively, are capable of self-designing and selforganizing our own learning programs, learning communities and learning ecosystems.

Are eco-versities the future for higher education? (2016)
Transforming learning into a process of liberation sounds great, but what does it mean in practice? Eco-versity representatives at a
Experiencing Ecoversities

An Ancient Practice for Modern Times: Sacred Clowning for Culture Change
by Rehana Tejpar and Dan Rudolph “Nasruddin, why do you ride a donkey backwards?” “What are you talking about? I’m facing forward. It’s the donkey who’s facing backwards!” – Mulla Nasruddin, a 13th-century wise fool from present day Turkey Beginnings In most parts of the world, humanity is trapped in overlapping systems of power that

On the Crossroads: a conversation amongst African ecoversities initiators in 3 places and times
Interview transcribed and compiled by Wangüi wa Kamonji. In February 2022, 3 ecoversities initiators from Cairo, Egypt, Dakar, Senegal and Nairobi, Kenya, met in a gathering exploring Faju (healing) in Dakar. In the middle of workshops, talks and activations, we sat down to connect about our journeys and unearth what we had learnt so far. Each

Travesía por el País de los Pájaros: la Residencia de Albert en Casa Provita
Journey through the Land of the Birds: Albert’s Residency at Casa Provita Realicé una residencia ecoversitaria en Casa Provita, en Providencia, Costa Rica, en el bosque del Parque de los Quetzales, con la intención de trabajar la amistad con el corazón, la aventura, y el mundo más allá de lo humano. Casa Provita es un

The Labyrinth Within
The stories of my ancestors are to me like pieces of a map to navigate my own existence. I grew up listening to my grandmothers and the women in my family tell tales about how they survived through the rough times, as well as how they managed to find joy in everyday life. Growing up

Tejedores: Encuentro Ecoversidades Latinoamérica 2019
English below Tejedores. Las primeras horas suenan vacías, suenan a oportunidades que se anidan latentes en una especie de lucidez unísona, donde nos preparamos para salir de casa y hacer una pausa en nuestra dieta de elementos cotidianos; todos acudimos con la escucha atenta y las manos dispuestas a trabajar otro escenario, otro

Finding Hope in Reimagining Education
by Clément Moliner-Roy What if education was about decolonizing our minds And owning up to the wrongs of our ancestors… What if schools would teach us to be self-sustainable By reweaving our relationship to the land… What if colleges were spaceships into the unknown To expand the boundaries of our imaginations… What if teachers

The Journey to Alivelihoods
by Manish Jain and Kalashree Sengupta We have interacted with thousands of youth and have found the most common and important question asked by young people in their education today has nothing to do with the syllabus or with what is happening in the world. It is related to, “What is your package?” This seems

Construir ámbitos comunitarios de vida para la defensa de nuestros territorios: La milpa como resistencia al despojo
Los procesos de despojo a través de la imposición de megaproyectos han sido sistemáticos durante los últimos años. Vivimos nuestros territorios en disputas, donde los conflictos sociales agravan la presencia de violencia en nuestras comunidades. En agosto del año 2014, en el Caracol zapatista La realidad se llevó a cabo la primera “Compartición entre el

Ancient Pedagogy for Modern Times: Learning through Monastic Practice
By Daniel Rudolph, Selby Beebe-Lawson Editors: Linnea Schluessler and Manish Jain This is part two of an ongoing series, the first article describes the indigenous pedagogy of the Gurukul System. For centuries, monasteries have been hubs of education and scholarship, champions of learning. The word monasticism comes from the Greek word monachos which means “living

50 Years of the Barefoot College
The Barefoot College has followed the life and work style of Mahatma Gandhi for 50 years. Gandhian values of simplicity, austerity, equality, collective decision making, transparency and accountability are put intopractice.The Barefoot College has placed practical common sense at the centre of its search for solutions, and has discovered far- reaching low-cost innovations in conserving energy, schooling,

The Journey of Re-imagining Education – 11 Acupuncture points for mapping strategic opportunities and stimulating change 
by Andreea Gatman Revised and edited by: Albert Stephen Salazar Corrales and sierra ying allen This essay is a process of observing patterns and weaving practices based on 25 interviews conducted with educators, philosophers, entrepreneurs, researchers, and artists, titled ‘Voices from Reimagining Education Conference 2021”. In addition to the references for the interviews in the

Memories and reflections of the Ecoversities planetary gathering in Siwa
By José Salomón Espinoza Andrade | March 2022 “People from different parts of the planet came to the sixth planetary gathering of the Ecoversities Alliance. Each one with our own life story, ancestry and diverse cultures. And we connected, what a joy to be able to say it! We connected with fluidity, depth and solidarity.

La lectura: Reinvenciones de lo común
Por Gina Gabriela López Realpe Aunque no sepamos encender el fuego ni encontrar aquel lugar en el bosque, ni seamos ya capaces de rezar, podemos seguir contándonos unos a otros la historia, nuestras historias; nos recuerda Gershom Scholem (2012). Y, efectivamente, es en el relato donde nos encontramos, donde conocemos y cuestionamos, razonamos y

Zapatista Civic Pedagogy in a Time of War
by Manuel Callahan “To articulate the past historically does not mean to recognize it ‘the way it really was’ (Ranke). It means to seize hold a memory as it flashes up at a moment of danger.” Walter Benjamin “Hence, empathy with the victor invariably benefits the rulers. Historical materialists know what that means. Whoever has

El Huerto que Cura (The Healing Garden)
leer en español Written by: Andrea González and Juan José Lugo Revised and edited by: Maru Vasco, Sierra Allen, and Alessandra Pomarico Abstract Along the paths of our lives, we will find many approaches to what seems appropriate, what seems to be what we want, what we can do, how we make a decision,

El Huerto que Cura
Read in English Escrito por: Andrea González Andino y Juan José Lugo Revisado por: Gerardo López Amaro Resumen En el camino encontraremos muchos acercamientos a lo que parece adecuado, a lo que parece qué es lo que queremos/podemos hacer. ¿Cómo nos movemos? ¿Qué decisiones tomamos? Todo esto se vincula con las formas de aprender/desaprender

Pedagogies of the Uprising: Becoming the lesson to learn from, where is study situated?
By Meenakshi Thirukode [This piece was written at different points between 2020 and early 2021.] One of my closest friends, a german citizen living in Delhi and I, collaborate on projects involving feminist consciousness-raising. Through conducting, varied formats of this workshop, “Pact of Silence – How to break it?”, we collectively, with participants, think through

The Pedagogy of the Temple – Learning through PEACE and Liberation
By Daniel Rudolph One of the most profound learning experiences of my life was while ordaining as a Buddhist monk, in a forest monastery in Thailand. My main intention for becoming a monk was to honor my host mother, and community, for the love they showed to me while living with them in their village

Re-imagining Power: Our Journey with Sarva-Anumati
By Kejal Savla, Arnaz Khan and Abhishek Thakore Sarva-Anumati is a compound word: Sarva means all and Anumati means permission or consent. Hence, the term Sarva-Anumati implies the permission or consent of all. Introduced by Mahatma Gandhi, the concept of Sarva-Anumati was further championed by Acharya (Sanskrit for teacher) Vinoba Bhave who is also known

Streetology – Presence, Observation and Action (in that order)
by Karim-Yassin Goessinger Streetology – Presence, Observation and Action (in that order) Africa’s cities have been connected by networks of trade and knowledge exchange for centuries. In the 21st century some of these ancient meeting places have become the fastest growing cities in the world. By the end of this century Dar es Salaam, Kinshasa,

Learning From the In Between
Notes on Common Life, Hospitality and the 2011 Movements of the Squares. 1 By Luis Moreno-Caballud and Begonia Santa-Cecilia 2 Click here to read the Spanish version of this publication. A mysterious, crucial, underground relation It is May 10th, 2011, María Paz has died, we are preparing to leave Madrid and return home. We have

Corazonando Nuevos Mundos
Por Marco Andrade V. La vida me ha dado muy lindas oportunidades de intercambio y de compartir personalmente con jóvenes universitarios de distintos países de Nuestra América. De manera particular, en el año 2009 tuve el privilegio de recorrer casi la totalidad de Sudamérica, visitar las principales universidades en cada país y entrevistar a cientos

An Indigenous Pedagogy in Contemporary Times – My experience with the Gurukul System of Training
By Miti Desai THE INITIATION It all began with a simple yet deep dissatisfaction when I was 20. On the first day of my first job, I spurned the possibility of how my time would be spent. With a clear intuition that I did not want to engage in commercial work whose end was

Kapu Aloha: Sacred Activism and Civic Engagement grounded in Cultural Traditions
By Kū Kahakalau, Ph.D. In 2019, efforts to protect Mauna Kea, Hawaiʻiʻs tallest mountain, from the construction of a Thirty-Meter Telescope (TMT) (1), crystalised the Hawaiian movement, unlike any other Hawaiian-related issue in the past, uniting tens of thousands of Native Hawaiians of all ages, on all islands, and removing long-standing barriers between Native Hawaiian

In Quest for Ecoversities

Re-imagining higher education
Learning takes place in the heart, the hands and the home, not just in the head. What does that mean for the universities of the future? Students from Red Crow Community College visiting Omahkakihtakssin (Majorville Medicine Wheel) in southern Alberta, Canada. Credit: Narcisse Blood. All rights reserved. Situated within the same walls that once housed
Explorations from the Edges in the Middle

Indicibile (Unspeakable) is the title of a workshop that was organized with the intention to test a psychedelic compound, changa, with a group of artists that could try it out during a few days, while collectively creating their own setting. The title obviously refers to something that cannot be told.

Ways of Listening
By Alessandra Pomarico (firefly frequencies, Free Home University, Ecoversities), Nikolay Oleynikov (firefly frequencies, Chto Delat), Elliot Perkins (Ultra-red) “What does it mean to listen? After almost ten years as part of the collective experiment of Free Home University and other learning communities, my answer today would be: to suspend the

The Radical in Radio: Rooting Radiophonic Practices in Pedagogies, Community, and Politics
By Giulia Crisci, Alessandra Pomarico, Nikolay Oleynikov “This intention and this spirit connect all of us here (and with many beyond the here and now) speaking to how we work, why we produce art, and specifically how we make radio to make a community. “Radio” has been for many of

The Re-imagining Education Conference FANZINE: The Inside Story
This fanzine is built with the collective gardening and the harvest of the last 3 years from attendees, speakers, volunteers, panelists, and organizers.
We had in mind that the conference has inspired people to share poetry, drawings, notes, ideas, inspiring and profound phrases, songs; we found so
much beauty that we wanted to take the time to create this fanzine by hand. We made it in this format because it gives us the freedom to link different forms of expression.
There are many things; we couldn’t include everything. We apologize in advance if we did not include you in this compilation.
The REC conference is offered in the spirit of the gift, we believe in generosity, love and kindness and we are open to receiving gifts in return.

What We Can Learn from the Student Protesters?
by Maura Stephens and Alessandra Pomarico Most living things and virtually all of the freshwater in the Palestinian Occupied Territories have been destroyed. Photo from University of British Columbia by sierra ying allen/ Ecoversities Like others around the world, we’ve been watching as neoliberal and corporate-controlled universities repress, silence, and

Breaking the Paradigm of Life: Deathversities and the Call to Unravel Knowing
by Julia Jackson The binary of life and death has been well-established and defined within modernity, especially as medical definitions and understandings of death are culturally centered, but what if we were to blur those lines? What if we were to weave death into life and life into death? What

Earthly Companions********a guide for an interbeing (un)learning journey
Daniela Brasil (editor) Illustrations by Silvana Beraldo & Kate Morales TUCAN Publisher & Ecoversities Alliance, 2022 This South-up_Gall-Peters-projection_World Map is a guide for understanding how we are interconnected with all other beings on earth, introducing the notions of interbeing* & Earth Beings**. This guide is an invitation to search for deeper relations, with

Vigil as convivial tool and convivial praxis
by Annie Paradise and Manuel Callahan 01.06.2021 Mothers everywhere have moved into a state of vigil. It is a vigil that is ongoing and without end, but also in motion. Catalyzed primarily by Black, Brown, and Indigenous mothers and also including aunts, grandmothers, sisters, daughters, partners, compañerxs, a proliferation of

Something Moved
by Shane Finan Introduction I’ll start with an adage: You can’t see the woods for the trees. This saying is used to suggest that sometimes what we are looking for is right in front of us. Now I would like to reverse it: We can’t see the trees for the

Dissertation as a crack/in the cracks
Playing with the possibilities, tensions and limitations of reimagining (higher) education from within <strong>By Stephanie Marie Knox Steiner</strong> A welcoming, an invocation: Welcome, dear friend of the Ecoverse, fellow traveler on this path! Welcome, body, Welcome, breath. Welcome, land that is holding us in our respective interconnected places. Welcome computers

Ubuntu: Personal, Linguistic, Pedagogical and Indigenous Narratives of Words, Worlds and Wisdom
Research and Writings by Riham Aziz el Din, Egypt April 2022 Introduction Years of researching and working in cognitive and humanistic psychology has provided me with a framework of theories, jargon and tools to deconstruct the most challenging and complicated context of being a woman, feminist and radical educator in

Education is the Metacrisis
By Zachary Stein Editors’ Note: This article was reprinted by Ecoversities with permission from the author for the Re-imagining Education Conference February 2022. The original publication can be found here. In this article Zak elucidates that “[i]n a time between worlds there is the possibility for true novelty and emergence.

To Navigate Backward
The rebellious art of the Zapatistas and Chto Delat Group <strong>By Natalia Arcos Salvo *</strong> Comrades, Sisters and brothers, This is our commitment: In front of the powerful trains, our canoes. In front of the thermoelectric plants, the little lights that the Zapatistas gave in custody to women who fight

Preparing for a Confusing Future: Complexity, Warm Data and Education
By Nora Bateson Editors’ Note: Nora originally published this piece in September 2018 in the World Academy of Arts and Sciences Journal special issue on education. In March 2020, she republished the article with this message, “As we enter this confusing moment of Covid-19 isolation and systems change, it seems to me

Institutes for Technologies of Reunion
Editors’ note: This essay is a reprint with permission from the author. Charles originally published this essay on his website in 2017. By Charles Eisenstein When I graduated from high school in 1985, college was the unquestionable next step for an intelligent, middle-class or upper-middle class young person. I entered

Schooling Beliefs
By Alex Bretas INTRODUCTION The way we see the world and behave have been shaped over time by powerful influences: family, media, church, market, life, politics, groups of friends and even our habits. What about school? Have you ever wondered how this institution has been shaping our living in the

What is Worth Doing?
An essay by eileen walz At the start of 2021 I made a commitment. We were deep in the winter of pandemic isolation and I was craving the type of soulful, interpersonal connection my life has often been decorated with. I knew I would have to be more intentional if

Huellas Matriarcales y poder patriarcal
Por Irene Ragazzini Pasaje: Introducción Con este pequeño libro, quiero compartir una reflexión sobre el desarrollo de las estructuras patriarcales que rigen nuestras sociedades, entendiéndolas como una construcción social e histórica y por lo tanto no universales, ni naturales, ni totalizantes. En primer lugar recupero algunos principios, instituciones y

A Leap of Imagination
By Françoise Vergès No change for the good ever happens without it being imagined first, even if that change seems hopeless or impossible in the present. —Martin Espada When I was an adolescent on Réunion Island and I was walking in its impressive mountains, which all bear the names of

Challenges in Detoxing from the Digital World
by Kaushiek Pranoo The Digital Age – Welcome to the Machine The Digital Age we are part of today offers us so many comforts and conveniences of technology that no other generation before us has ever had the privilege of enjoying. A simple smartphone today can do what a dozen

Education as a Collective Practice
About this publication The work of Foresta Collective explores the notions of the ecological from a variety of perspectives, aspiring to contribute to the emergence of a mindset grounded in human embodied and embedded nature, interconnectedness, and deep entanglement with the more-than-human worlds. In spring and summer 2020 amid

seeing together in the dark matter of the image
by Silvia Maglioni and Graeme Thomson In their “Notes towards a Vernacular Technology”, which opens their booklet Seeing Together in the Dark Matter of the Image, Silvia Maglioni and Graeme Thomson write: “How do we open up spaces for sharing thoughts and conversations that facilitate the creation of different ways of being

The many shades of love
by Abhishek Thakore and Dan Rudolph Love…oh love! The spice that comes in a million flavours. The joie de vivre. The feeling that makes life worth living. The only emotion that can increase intelligence. The subject of more than half the songs humanity has ever written. The essence of the

Queerness Taught me That. An Open Letter to the Radical Educators of the Ecoverse and Beyond
By Kate Morales It is with a lot of pride that I take my place in the long lineage of brave queers before me who believed, in the face of a society that would prefer them dead, that we are worthy of showing up in our wholeness. They teach me to

In the morning, you won’t find me here
A MEDITATION IN BLACKNESS Poem by Bayo Akomolafe I am a black man.I was planted in deep, loamy, black soil by my black father.Cradled, cultured and coaxed out like a tuber of yam by my black mother.Though I came from one womb, I am birthed by many mothers – some of

The Myth of the Gilded Researcher. A Thesis of Posthumanist Inquiry for Ecoversities in the ‘Anthropocene’
Bayo Akomolafe A Story From where I come, somewhere in the midwestern region of Nigeria in West Africa, where Yoruba people have made their home for generations, there is an instructive story about Ìjàpá, the tortoise, who is also a trickster in Yoruba folktales – one that sheds some light

The University of Full Catastrophe Learning
As the impact of the Covid-19 crisis spreads from the biological, to the social and the economic, many universities are confronting the realities of living in a world characterized by complexity. What are the implications for universities? How do we need to change our approach to education? 1.My early academic

Gesturing Towards Decolonial Futures – Global Citizenship Otherwise Study Program
This booklet was prepared by Vanessa de Oliveira Andreotti, Sharon Stein, Rene Suša, Tereza Čajkova, Dani d’Emilia, Elwood Jimmy, Bill Calhoun, Sarah Amsler, Camilla Cardoso, Dino Siwek and Kyra Fay in April 2019. Here a quote about this study program: “These educational tools were created to offer a rough overview

Comer es Rebeldía Vol 2. La Alimentación como arte de la resistencia
Comer es Rebeldía Vol 2. La Alimentación como arte de la resistencia (Eating is Rebellion Vol 2. Food as art of resistance). This is a compilation of texts about food sovereignty and proposals of resistance and autonomy related to food. It focuses on the creation of alternatives from the grassroots
Localization and New Economies

The Maternal Gifting Paradigm: From Education to Global Economy
Walking in the footsteps of educational visionaries Paulo Freire (Pedagogy of the Oppressed), Ivan Illich (Deschooling Society), and Marshall Rosenberg (Mutual Education), this session begins with grounding in learning as a voluntary and collaborative activity oriented to the needs and capacities of all involved. This, then, serves as the entryway into an exploration of larger

Tejiendo Aprendizajes con la Pacha Mama y la Unu Mama
La experiencia de innovación educativa realizada por los docentes de la Institución Educativa Alejandro Velasco Astete – Cusco a través del Proyecto: “Chacra y fuentes de agua: lugares y tiempos para el aprendizaje intercultural y ambiental”. Es realmente un esfuerzo por hacer de la educación una práctica sintiente y emotiva y a la vez emancipadora y critica en estos tiempos de incertidumbre global. Ella reconoce, revaloriza y “utiliza” unos lugares y unos tiempos de su pequeño territorio escolar para reconectar la relación humana con la naturaleza, las deidades y el cosmos, tal como lo hacían nuestros ancestros quechuas.

Becoming Homo Giftus: A Guide to Embracing the Gift Culture
by Priyanka Modi In a world often defined by material pursuits, a powerful and transformative force transcends boundaries, cultures, and generations – the gift culture. This beautiful tapestry of selfless giving, compassion, and genuine human connection can create profound change, not only in individual lives but in the fabric of our communities and societies. Through

Invitation: Let’s Talk Openly about the Livelihoods of Popular Educators
A vulnerable field report and an invitation into collective inquiry – Alan Webb, January 2020 In 2018, I declared a sabbatical from organizing the Open Master’s and Alt*Div communities and became a sojourner—with intention, but with an aching heart. It was honestly a move born of despair and desperation. Externally, I had a clear story,

Mahua – News and conversations about the real economy in India
These alivelihoods are restoring Nature and communities, making knowledge and the bounties of Nature and communities, making knowledge and the bounties of Nature freely accessible, bringing down inequities, facilitating deep questioning and inquiry, healing the disconnected self and the wounded spirit, helping people experience real love and joy, all of which is dismantling the

Integral Economy in Auroville a learning laboratory for unpacking, reimagining and co-creating an economy that serves Life
By Sangeetha Sriram The real purpose of education is to serve life and enable meaningful living and bringing out the highest potential in people; fulfilling and dharmic livelihood is one among its many dimensions. But we now live in a world where an insatiable and destructive capitalist economy has come to exist for its own

E Pū Paʻakai Kākou – Letʻs Share some Salt Together Re-establishing Food Sovereignty in Hawaiʻi
by Kū Kahakalau, Ph.D. and Leilani DeMello “E pū paʻakai kākou” is a Hawaiian saying, which literally means letʻs share some salt together. In traditional Hawaiʻi, it was customary to offer guests, whether family, friends, or a random passerby, food, drink and if desired a place to sleep. “Mai, mai e ʻai!” (Come, come and
Learning to Heal Ourselves

Glossary for the Appreciation of Life, Part One
Words can be extraordinarily powerful. They can help us recognise and appreciate feelings, experiences and natural phenomena that we may otherwise not notice or may take for granted. Words can also introduce us to other ways of existing, aspects of different cultures and new concepts that can alter where we put our energy and change our

Healing Spirits of the Yukon Oracle: Magdaluz Bonilla Residency in Adventureversity
This deck of cards can serve as an oracle, as ideas/questions that may trigger group reflections as well. Each card contains the energy of an essence from the Yukon territory, associated with it there is a paragraph and a question arising from the essence of the flower, element, mushroom… In this way, we will be able to recognize and relate to them, as well as use their particular characteristics to open veins of knowledge, generate and nourish curiosity, and understand ourselves better. It is the creation of an imaginary of healing that, through experience, allows for the delivery of messages that lead to profound reflection and contact with the essences.

An Ancient Practice for Modern Times: Sacred Clowning for Culture Change
by Rehana Tejpar and Dan Rudolph “Nasruddin, why do you ride a donkey backwards?” “What are you talking about? I’m facing forward. It’s the donkey who’s facing backwards!” – Mulla Nasruddin, a 13th-century wise fool from present day Turkey Beginnings In most parts of the world, humanity is trapped in overlapping systems of power that

Semilla Solar: A New Approach to Masculine Psychology
Beyond the evident gender gap — experienced uniquely in each region — and the violence perpetuated by systems designed and created by and for capitalism and patriarchy worldwide, what does it truly mean to be a man in the 21st century?

Going against the Current to Develop Higher Education Alternatives
Developing educational initiatives around ways of being and knowing that diverge from mainstream approaches can feel like swimming in a sea against currents of resistance.

The Price of Genocide
Months ago, I read an article on We Are Not Numbers about a young woman named Tala who lost all her books because of the genocide in Gaza.

How Can We Really Learn to Love?
We live in a world where we are constantly prioritizing the wellbeing of some over others. I wonder if our current moments of deep grief and darkness can teach us to reevaluate our thought patterns of identity, community, and belonging and to accept opportunities to learn what it really means to be human.

Bonded in Grief: Maintaining Unity in Times of War
“By advocating for self-determination and empowering individuals to shape their own futures, we are fostering a sense of agency and optimism within our community, even amidst the current challenges we face.”

History, Memory and Civic education
by Françoise Vergès History’s contribution to civic education and awareness is to alert to the existence of entangled histories, to bring light to the ways in which consent to political and economic systems is fabricated, the ways in which racist representations are created and circulated, and how networks of solidarity come to be. The group

Tejiendo Aprendizajes con la Pacha Mama y la Unu Mama
La experiencia de innovación educativa realizada por los docentes de la Institución Educativa Alejandro Velasco Astete – Cusco a través del Proyecto: “Chacra y fuentes de agua: lugares y tiempos para el aprendizaje intercultural y ambiental”. Es realmente un esfuerzo por hacer de la educación una práctica sintiente y emotiva y a la vez emancipadora y critica en estos tiempos de incertidumbre global. Ella reconoce, revaloriza y “utiliza” unos lugares y unos tiempos de su pequeño territorio escolar para reconectar la relación humana con la naturaleza, las deidades y el cosmos, tal como lo hacían nuestros ancestros quechuas.

Willkamayu Río Sagrado
El Centro de Promoción de las Sabidurías Interculturales (CEPROSI) pone a disposición el libro Willkamayu, río sagrado. Estrategias para la convivencia con la Madre Agua como material de consulta y/o breve manual de acción en torno al cuidado del agua. El propósito de esta publicación es el de dar a conocer la naturaleza del agua en sus diversas manifestaciones en el marco de la vivencia de la cultura andina-amazónica heredada en el Perú. De este modo, se espera sensibilizar a todo lector, sin importar su edad y condición, para iniciar o promover acciones de revalorización y convivencia con la Madre Agua, de modo personal y/o institucional, en estos tiempos de incertidumbre.

Working With Conflict & Receiving Its Gifts
by Devin Bokaer Many of us have experienced a desire to help make the world a better place. However, the crises that we are collectively facing are incredibly complex and interwoven with multiple forms of systemic oppression and trauma. It is important for change-makers to explore the problems in our responses to the problems and

Education for the head, heart, body, soul, and spirit!
by Clément Moliner-Roy With support and feedback from Andrea González, Dzifa Afonu and Manish Jain. [Spanish version below – Sigue la versión en español] We often take for granted that education equates to good. But what if education can also generate harm? For instance, education sometimes makes people so obsessed about getting the right answers

“You are what you eat”
“You are also what you are schooled to eat” Food is an intrinsic part of our daily life. Since the birth of a child, what, when and how food is, is dictated according to different communities’ way of life. As a child grows up, the caste, race, and the class community they grow up in

healing intergenerational hurt with the more-than
by Doerte Weig Trauma – not that which happened, but the inner response to what happened Healing – a renewed and continuous alignment and aliveness with Life I refuse to continue living with a broken heart I cannot live peacefully with a heart raging with anger What would it mean to heal the hurt in

The Labyrinth Within
The stories of my ancestors are to me like pieces of a map to navigate my own existence. I grew up listening to my grandmothers and the women in my family tell tales about how they survived through the rough times, as well as how they managed to find joy in everyday life. Growing up

Is thinking generated by our brain?
by Emilio Fantin This essay was written in 2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic. Culture and nature: the logical challenge This is a poetic and resistance attempt to avoid being subjected to a digital format. Covid 19 has only accelerated the process that started with the informatics era, during the Second World War. We have not

Dear reader, below you will find a document that is the result of a political and artistic space of reflection and diasporic experimentation of personal and collective empowerment: a marathon that we called ‘Transatlantic Sounds: What would you say if I told you that our black history has been denied?’ This marathon materialized the desire to create

In Sickness and Study
leggi in italiano By Giorgia Frisardi and Mattia Pellegrini Foreword “Who can forget those moments when something that seems inanimate turns out to be vitally, even dangerously alive? As, for example, when an arabesque in the pattern of a carpet is revealed to be a dog’s tail, which, if stepped upon, could lead to a

Guide to Understanding our Alienation
This audiovisual guide is a curated collection of talks with Jinan KB, a designer and educationist who has been involved in existential research to understand the processes involved in the creation of knowledge, the formation of creativity, intelligence, aesthetics and its relation to the content of learning and the context. His primary interest has been

Reassembling a Cosmopolitics as Subsensorial
by Pia Lindman I’m an artist and a healer: in both practices, my point of departure has often been personal experiences, guiding my inquiries and leading me to investigate the body and its place within the cultural space, as well as its relationship with the larger ecosystem. Affected by the powerful visceral experiences of a disease in my

Nueva Antropología Human@
By Pedro Reygadas Este libro es una Nueva Antropología, un acercamiento contemporáneo a la humanidad como totalidad abierta. Un acercamiento sistémico a la complejidad dinámica rizomática de la carnalidad material de la persona, de sus campos de energía/in-formación y de su espiritualidad a partir de la in-formación/energía del pensamiento y de la conciencia. Descarga

Engaged Buddhism – Healing Trauma in Community Settings
What prepares men for totalitarian domination in the non-totalitarian world is the fact that loneliness, once a borderline experience usually suffered in certain marginal social conditions like old age, has become an everyday experience … – The Origins of Totalitarianism (1951) by Hannah Arendt A few nights before I left for Xommunity, I was scrolling

Walking the scarred path or discovering the sacred masculinity in us?
by Nitin Paranjape For the past year, I have been a part of an interesting co-learning experiment called “Mensversity”. The idea first took root in informal dialogues over lunch or chai during the Indian Multiversity Alliance (IMA) meeting at the Deer Park Institute in Bir, Himachal Pradesh. The Indian Multiversity Alliance is a flexible,

Relatos de las Abuelas y Abuelos de San Mateo Piñas
<img src="”https://ecoversities.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Captura-de-pantalla-2018-12-19-a-las-7.48.51-p.m.-300×229.png”" alt="””" width="”300″" height="”229″" />Relatos de las Abuelas y Abuelos de San Mateo Piñas is a recopilation of short stories and leyends from the Sierra Sur and Costa regions of Oaxaca, told by elders of the indigenous village of San Mateo Piñas. Descarga el libro/download this book.
Earth Consciousness

Glossary for the Appreciation of Life, Part One
Words can be extraordinarily powerful. They can help us recognise and appreciate feelings, experiences and natural phenomena that we may otherwise not notice or may take for granted. Words can also introduce us to other ways of existing, aspects of different cultures and new concepts that can alter where we

Healing Spirits of the Yukon Oracle: Magdaluz Bonilla Residency in Adventureversity
This deck of cards can serve as an oracle, as ideas/questions that may trigger group reflections as well. Each card contains the energy of an essence from the Yukon territory, associated with it there is a paragraph and a question arising from the essence of the flower, element, mushroom… In this way, we will be able to recognize and relate to them, as well as use their particular characteristics to open veins of knowledge, generate and nourish curiosity, and understand ourselves better. It is the creation of an imaginary of healing that, through experience, allows for the delivery of messages that lead to profound reflection and contact with the essences.

Tejiendo Aprendizajes con la Pacha Mama y la Unu Mama
La experiencia de innovación educativa realizada por los docentes de la Institución Educativa Alejandro Velasco Astete – Cusco a través del Proyecto: “Chacra y fuentes de agua: lugares y tiempos para el aprendizaje intercultural y ambiental”. Es realmente un esfuerzo por hacer de la educación una práctica sintiente y emotiva y a la vez emancipadora y critica en estos tiempos de incertidumbre global. Ella reconoce, revaloriza y “utiliza” unos lugares y unos tiempos de su pequeño territorio escolar para reconectar la relación humana con la naturaleza, las deidades y el cosmos, tal como lo hacían nuestros ancestros quechuas.

Willkamayu Río Sagrado
El Centro de Promoción de las Sabidurías Interculturales (CEPROSI) pone a disposición el libro Willkamayu, río sagrado. Estrategias para la convivencia con la Madre Agua como material de consulta y/o breve manual de acción en torno al cuidado del agua. El propósito de esta publicación es el de dar a conocer la naturaleza del agua en sus diversas manifestaciones en el marco de la vivencia de la cultura andina-amazónica heredada en el Perú. De este modo, se espera sensibilizar a todo lector, sin importar su edad y condición, para iniciar o promover acciones de revalorización y convivencia con la Madre Agua, de modo personal y/o institucional, en estos tiempos de incertidumbre.

Ecoversities Part One: Climate crisis responses that respect the wholeness of life
By Michelle Pressend, PhD [Spanish version below – Sigue la versión en español] “What I feel is that most of the people that make decisions… They are totally disconnected from natural processes. They have never been farming. They have never been close to working with soil. They have never been

Dating a Tree – Dating a Composition
Video Storytelling by Doerte Weig and Roksana Niewadzisz Have you ever dated a tree or explored human-tree relationalities or shared stories about engaging with tree beings? Come and experience how dating a tree is grounded in ecosomatic practice and earthly discoveries. The work is part of the collective artistic research project Fabulation for Future and the digital exhibition How

Are mountains living beings?
by Dilip Jain A human being is designed to automatically develop wisdom based on a combination of his personal experiences, exposures and education. However, in today’s modern world there is such heavy influence of capitalist/ consumerist narrative that often development of wisdom is not a personal journey but driven by

Re-wilding and Re-membering Ancestral Ecologies
by russell sparks, thought partnered and collaboratively edited by lara birchler & will scott On the new moon in October 2019, I arrived in indigenous Purhepecha lands in Michoacan, Mexico, on the edge of Lake Patzcuaro. Twice in the nights leading up to travel, dreams of traditional bowhunting had visited

A Little Reminder about the Paradoxes of Life for My 19-year-old Daughter
By Manish Jain A Little Reminder about the Paradoxes of Life for My 19-year-old Daughter: You are super special AND you are not. What you achieve in life is important AND it doesn’t really matter. You will have lots of choices in your life AND you really don’t. You are

The Educator’s Unlearning Oath
By Manish Jain (offered in the spirit of the Hippocratic Oath) Unlearning is one of the most important processes we have to invoke and support in education if we are to find ways out of the global mess that industrial-military life has created. Unlearning opens an alchemical portal to reclaiming

She has no Land but she keeps sheep / first Chapter
She has no Land but she keeps sheep / first Chapter In 2017 we presented “She has no land but she keeps sheep, an introduction”, at the National Gallery of Modern Art in Rome. The occasion was the exhibition Sensibile Comune connected to the C17 conference one hundred years after

Vocabulario Vital
By Eliana Otta Vital Vocabulary comes out of necessity, as we acknowledge the insufficiency of available language to address what is meaningful in times of extreme uncertainty . . . times when we seem to lack words to properly express the depth of our confusion and pain, as well as to

Seeding Earth-connections. Simple ways to hone the ecological sensitivity of learners.
by Rahul Hasija If I would be asked thirty years down the line, a memory from my life that I hold dear the most, I would speak of the week I spent volunteering in Melghat Tiger Reserve in Maharashtra, India doing Tiger census. It involved walking long miles each day

Learning Journey for Climate Resilience – South Devon Bioregion
Climate change has been called ‘the long emergency’. Resistant as humans are to change, and often fearful of the unknown, we now have a tremendous opportunity to demonstrate what humanity can be at its best, if we are able to find agency. By agency we mean ability to take action

Native Hawaiian Coloring Books
These Coloring Book for all ages were created by two 2013 Native Hawaiian graduates from Hawaiʻiʻs first Indigenous-focused charter school, where they learned about their responsibility to the environment. Each book focuses on issues facing Hawaiʻiʻs unique environments and provides solutions, as well as inspirational Hawaiian proverbs passed down from
Poetry & Musings from the Heart

Semilla Solar: A New Approach to Masculine Psychology
Beyond the evident gender gap — experienced uniquely in each region — and the violence perpetuated by systems designed and created by and for capitalism and patriarchy worldwide, what does it truly mean to be a man in the 21st century?

Poems by Hind Jouda
“For me, writing is a document that preserves the legacy of humanity and its story from oblivion, especially in literature.”

Going against the Current to Develop Higher Education Alternatives
Developing educational initiatives around ways of being and knowing that diverge from mainstream approaches can feel like swimming in a sea against currents of resistance.

The Price of Genocide
Months ago, I read an article on We Are Not Numbers about a young woman named Tala who lost all her books because of the genocide in Gaza.

How Can We Really Learn to Love?
We live in a world where we are constantly prioritizing the wellbeing of some over others. I wonder if our current moments of deep grief and darkness can teach us to reevaluate our thought patterns of identity, community, and belonging and to accept opportunities to learn what it really means

Bonded in Grief: Maintaining Unity in Times of War
“By advocating for self-determination and empowering individuals to shape their own futures, we are fostering a sense of agency and optimism within our community, even amidst the current challenges we face.”

In a parallel world
It was possible for these birds,
Which feed on the trash of the universe in Gaza
And drown in a river of exhaustion and darkness
And their bodies smashed beneath the rain of hunger
And rising smoke dust
From the chimney of the relentless massacre
To win prizes in

The futility of effort
Adjacent to my obsessions,
About lost identity
And between here and there
Except that the sides around me shrank;
To become a grave the size of my corpse
For alienation there is a verse
Recited by the Nakba at her funeral
For her only heirs
In cold exile

Pain creates prophets
This lunacy is larger than you my love
Its harshness
Its fatal sins
That the delicacy of your untarnished hands can’t endure
Your palms that hold the country’s oranges
A beauty mark on your waist
And your hair strewn
Over the shoulders of truth
has the saltiness of the

Before the war crushes my heart
Seventy five years
Gnawed upon by hyenas
Of green and blue and red
And the colour of our nations within us
Seventy five years
Since the dawning of Gaza’s only sigh
The sights like a river rushing into the mouths of her children
With the missiles of an f16

Reciprocity and Love in a Garden
Finding love and reciprocity in the garden during challenging times by growing community-based learning experiences. by Rosemary Logan Colton Community Garden, Museum of Northern Arizona Flagstaff, Arizona, USA This evening I can nearly taste the scent of the damp clay earth with tinges of resinous pine at the Colton Community

Can I die now, or must I wait?
I write so tales don’t end
so war ends
I must write
not for anything but
to keep my emotions awake
to retain my humanity
My mother never taught me tatreez
the embroidery of my bleeding pain
from a cassette

healing intergenerational hurt with the more-than
by Doerte Weig Trauma – not that which happened, but the inner response to what happened Healing – a renewed and continuous alignment and aliveness with Life I refuse to continue living with a broken heart I cannot live peacefully with a heart raging with anger What would it mean

In the morning, you won’t find me here
A MEDITATION IN BLACKNESS Poem by Bayo Akomolafe I am a black man.I was planted in deep, loamy, black soil by my black father.Cradled, cultured and coaxed out like a tuber of yam by my black mother.Though I came from one womb, I am birthed by many mothers – some of
Live Human Signposts

Parents/Peers Reactions to Alternatives – Swaraj University | Live Human Signposts
The previous three articles, stories of Experiential Learning, Sense-Making & Developing Confidence, and Facilitation & Peer-to-Peer Learning show that attending Swaraj University was life-changing for each of the four people interviewed for this series. Each of them learned different skills, developed perception and made connections to other people and projects while

Networked Power and Peer-Peer Learning | Swaraj University Live Human Signposts
Each of the people interviewed had a different intention and journey to get to Swaraj University. Similarly, each of them had a different experience while learning at Swaraj. Although there were many differences in their experiences, there were also many similarities that emerged in their reflections about their experiences. The first

Sense-Making and Developing Confidence | Swaraj University Live Human Signposts
Each of the people interviewed had a different intention and journey to get to Swaraj. Similarly, each of them had a different experience while learning at Swaraj. Although there were many differences in their experiences, there were also many similarities that emerged in their reflections about their experiences. The previous

Experiential Learning in Swaraj | Swaraj University Live Human Signposts
The first two articles in this series looked at each of their experiences with formal schooling growing up, and subsequently their unique paths to exploring alternative education. Each of them had a different intention and journey to get to Swaraj. Similarly, each of them had a different experience while learning

Path to Alternatives | Swaraj University Live Human Signposts
The previous article in this series looked at the stories that each Live Human Signpost shared relating to their experiences with formal education growing up. Overall, the stories that were shared were of dissatisfaction and of developing unhealthy habits and perception. This led to depression, anxiety, confusion and disconnection. These

Experience with Schooling Growing Up | Swaraj University Live Human Signposts
Of the four people interviewed for this series, three of them went to school in urban areas, and one, Stanzin, in a rural area. All of them reported to be good, or above average, students. Each of them, in their own ways, expressed dissatisfaction with their experiences in formal schooling,

Live Human Signposts from Swaraj University
For this first Live Human Signposts series we will be showcasing four ‘Live Human Signposts’ that dropped out of the mainstream, and pursued alternative forms of education, which brought each of them, in their own unique journeys, to Swaraj University, in Rajasthan India. Since attending Swaraj each of them

Introducing the Live Human Signposts Project
There is a lot of darkness in our world. There is a need for change. What can bring hope is that there are already many individuals, organizations and networks that are realizing and spreading change. Oftentimes these individuals, and initiatives, are not known by people that are not affiliated with
Pedagogy Otherwise the Reader

Pedagogy, Otherwise: the Reader
Pedagogy, Otherwise: the Reader was assembled in the context of /and in conversation with the Eco-versities Alliance, a trans-local community of learning practitioners from around the world committed to cultivate and reclaim knowledges, relationships and imaginations. Most of the texts appeared originally in the series Pedagogy, Otherwise, as part of the line of inquiry Learning,

Learning to learn in a context of war
Notes on the 1st Ecoversities gathering in Tamera, Portugal Compas:[1] The memories of our encounter still resonate in my mind and in my heart. I still need to process many things. The hassle of everyday life has caught me, and it is always complicated for me to sit and write my feelings/thoughts (sentipensamientos), but I did

Insurgent Learning and Convivial Research: Universidad de la Tierra, Califas
Knowledge production has increasingly become central to emancipatory projects. More and more people in struggle recognize the importance of learning and research as an essential part of movement and also an essential part of those moments of the future in the present across the globe. Alongside the serial protests and convergences of the 1990s and
Ecoversities Storytellers Fellowship 2023

Breaking the Paradigm of Life: Deathversities and the Call to Unravel Knowing
by Julia Jackson The binary of life and death has been well-established and defined within modernity, especially as medical definitions and understandings of death are culturally centered, but what if we were to blur those lines? What if we were to weave death into life and life into death? What if the concept of death

Working With Conflict & Receiving Its Gifts
by Devin Bokaer Many of us have experienced a desire to help make the world a better place. However, the crises that we are collectively facing are incredibly complex and interwoven with multiple forms of systemic oppression and trauma. It is important for change-makers to explore the problems in our responses to the problems and

Ecoversities Part One: Climate crisis responses that respect the wholeness of life
By Michelle Pressend, PhD [Spanish version below – Sigue la versión en español] “What I feel is that most of the people that make decisions… They are totally disconnected from natural processes. They have never been farming. They have never been close to working with soil. They have never been close to hydrological cycles in

Becoming Homo Giftus: A Guide to Embracing the Gift Culture
by Priyanka Modi In a world often defined by material pursuits, a powerful and transformative force transcends boundaries, cultures, and generations – the gift culture. This beautiful tapestry of selfless giving, compassion, and genuine human connection can create profound change, not only in individual lives but in the fabric of our communities and societies. Through

Expanding Education’s Capacities to Face the World’s Complexities
by Clément Moliner-Roy With support and feedback from Andrea González, Devin Bokaer, João Gabriel Almeida and Manish Jain. We live in a multidimensional world, yet mainstream education trains us to think for a unidimensional world: Image from the Intro-to-Complexity-May-2021, Complexity University Indeed, most of our educational systems make us seek clear answers and single forms

Education for the head, heart, body, soul, and spirit!
by Clément Moliner-Roy With support and feedback from Andrea González, Dzifa Afonu and Manish Jain. [Spanish version below – Sigue la versión en español] We often take for granted that education equates to good. But what if education can also generate harm? For instance, education sometimes makes people so obsessed about getting the right answers

Towards oneness: Educating for a paradigm shift
By Clément Moliner-RoyWith support and feedback from Andrea González, Ethel Pang, João Gabriel Almeida and Manish Jain. To shift or to collapse?Do I even need to convince you that we need a paradigm shift? That if we continue thinking and living the way we do, we will face the inevitable collapse of human society. That