Contribute to the Ecoversities Alliance
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Ecoversities is a planetary movement and a network of people that are working on alternatives to education and life in general. One question we hold and create from is what “higher” education initiatives would like if they were truly in service of our different ecologies, spiritualities, territories, and earth. This network is sustained with the heartbeats and time of a dedicated team of volunteers who are working in the the spirit of the Gift. We are (re)discovering what this means as we experiment together, learning with our different territories, worldviews, cosmologies, and relationships with abundance.
Our work is offered in the spirit of the gift, we believe in generosity, love, and kindness and we are open to the gift.

In the midst of planetarium turmoil, we are compelled to take actions towards collective liberation and inquire into solidarity. Mutual aid is the first stand where we can find solutions and make decisions toward a roots-remembering humanity. We are all dreams, hearts, families, nature. How can all of us remember this, our interconnectiveness, our common ancestors, our common purpose?
Check this space to offer direct mutual aid to Alliance members in urgent need.

The Alliance is woven together by various autonomous circles or teams of incredible people gifting their energy to hold the many levels spheres of care needed. Among the many processes that keep our ecosystem alive are the relational, administrative, facilitation, composting, communication, creative and much more. We currently use less than 10% of our funding for 30+ people who are gifting their time and energy to sustain and coordinate the different activities in the network.

Our aspiration is to make other worlds possible, you can also support Ecoversities with your gift. Through our journey of exploring gift culture, we have come to realize that the abundance of the alliance extends beyond the monetary, our field of relationality opens the door to new possibilities for mutual flourishing and making meaningful differences in the world. Where are some meaningful places for intervention?
Fill the form below, making your needs and offerings known to our community, and perhaps, allow yourself to be surprised by unexpected alliances and collaborative efforts, to bring a more beautiful world.
Your contribution is incredibly important and appreciated to sustain the people and the projects that are holding this movement.
What is Gift Culture?
Gift economy is the transition from an extractive or scarcity based economy to a relational and sacred one. This is a core part of our collective un/learning we are doing as we ongoingly reimagine how we want to be together. Applying this learning as we navigate our daily lives, practices, service, and dreams is how we take care of each other, composting what no longer serves and preparing soils of trust that might germinate new models for collaboration, leadership, organizing and living.
“When your heart is open, more possibilities are open”
– Diken Patel on gift culture (Watch video)
Guiding questions we invite you to explore with us:
What is possible beyond putting a price on a passion project?
What is out there for all of us if we interact and exchange beyond money-centric practices?
Who are we together when we all contribute with our most abundant assets?
What if we open ourselves to the possibilities of the gift?
What type of abundance is out there beyond money?