News & Events

Herramientas para el Buen Vivir – Germinator Fund Report 2021

Herramientas para el Buen Vivir A.C. es una Organización de la sociedad civil de Oaxaca que en los últimos 10 años ha trabajado acompañando procesos de reflexión, análisis y estudio sobre la apropiación de tecnológica en las comunidades y pueblos con la intención de potenciar su desarrollo respetando siempre los principios y estructuras organizativas comunitarias. Es así como nuestra experiencia en radio comunitaria y televisión comunitaria nos llevó a pasar del uso de la tecnológica análoga a la tecnología digital, encontrando en ello una nueva ventana para la innovación.

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Bibliothèque Terme Sud – Germinator Fund Report 2021

Bibliothèque Terme Sud is a tool of research, a place and a process of
intention to cultivate knowledges through conversation, contemplation,
listening, inquiry and performance.
Working as a research club, grounded in a micro local context and
engaging with a large network of contributors, Terme Sud Library unfolds
through multiple forms and methods, including reading, listening, and
screening sessions, research groups, conversations, performances,
exhibitions and publications. In response to the current political struggles in
Senegal, BTS is now starting a radio project.
From theory encapsulated in book culture, to the women knowledge
recorded through rituals, to oral history and the youth new forms of
gathering and collective thinking, Terme Sud Library opens up new spaces
of possibilities for alternative education.

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What my grandma left me/ Ce mi-a rămas de la bunica

More than ten years ago I was on my way to become a chemical engineer, studying at Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj, Romania. But then my grandmother died and her death radically changed my path in life: that’s when I finally started to live according to my own values. “What grandma left me” is my story

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Human & Natural Ecologies of Colorado — Groundwork to meet the challenges posed by climate change, ecological decline, and environmental injustice requires more than new technologies and policies. Changes to economies, political systems, and infrastructure must come in tandem with changes to values, attitudes, and practices. At Groundwork, we work to shift the foundations of the ways we understand ourselves and our

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