News & Events

Kalike: Learnings from a research study film ‘Kalike: Learnings from a research study’ tracks the ways in which a project to map two alternative educational institutions in Bengaluru unfolded. The film offers an overview of the questions that guided the research, methodology adopted and challenges in the process of field data collection, analysis and finalisation of research insights. Particularly, possibilities

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Grandiosa Afrocaribe y su Falda Larga este documental se recogen experiencias colectivas de aprendizaje, viajes e intercambios musicales y culturales de un grupo de mujeres que desde hace más de 20 años vienen profundizado en las tradiciones orales afrocolombianas: la gaita y bailes cantados como el bullerengue y la tambora. Las integrantes – músicas, investigadoras y pedagogas – han aprendido

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Dating a Tree – Dating a Composition

Video Storytelling by Doerte Weig and Roksana Niewadzisz Have you ever dated a tree or explored human-tree relationalities or shared stories about engaging with tree beings? Come and experience how dating a tree is grounded in ecosomatic practice and earthly discoveries.  The work is part of the collective artistic research project Fabulation for Future and the digital exhibition How to Become a Posthuman, based on

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People of Flour, Salt, and Water

  People of Flour, Salt, and Water (2019) a film by Chto Delat (Olga Tsaplay Egorova, Nina Gasteva, Dmitry Vilensky, Nikolay Oleynikov) produced by Free Home University, curated by Alessandra Pomarico and Nikolay Oleynikov, with the support of Musagetes (Canada) and Regione Puglia. shoot in Castiglione d’Otranto (Andrano), Puglia, Italy, 2019 director: Olga Tsaplya Egorova

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Are mountains living beings?

by Dilip Jain A human being is designed to automatically develop wisdom based on a combination of his personal experiences, exposures and education. However, in today’s modern world there is such heavy influence of capitalist/ consumerist narrative that often development of wisdom is not a personal journey but driven by someone else’s agenda. In this

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Learning Reimagined! is nothing but transforming humans into more empathetic, enterprising, conscious and responsive beings.  Education is the process that helps people discover themselves and realise their true potential in the complete sense of being human. It is a process that helps a person find meaning and purpose in being useful to the society, equipped with

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✺ atenção-eclipse ✳

  “Attention-Eclipse” (2023) by Ana Pura, Isadora Martins and Tarik Fraig The authentic and pure values — truth, beauty and goodness — in the activity of a human being are the result of one and the same act, a certain application of the full attention to the object. Three learning activists gave themselves the opportunity

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Tejiendo ReExistencias – Red Mushuk Away (Documental)[english below] TEJIENDO ReEXISTENCIAS es un documental colaborativo que nos invita a conocer historias, voces, corazonares y sueños que se han encontrado en el camino colectivo, familia ampliada que llamamos “MUSHUK AWAY” (nuevo tejido). Es una invitación a enREDarnos para seguir escribiendo esta historia…. ! JUNT@S! A todas las personas que han sido parte de

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VI Ecoversities Planetary Gathering South Africa 2023

Portugués abajo Español abajo Hi! You are invited: We invite you to leave behind the confusion, rush and senselessness of modern mentalities, to meet in the ancestral lands of the Khoekhoe and San peoples, for the VI Global Gathering of the Ecoversities Alliance. This is an invitation to talk, feel, dance, and continue weaving this

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Earthly Companions********a guide for an interbeing (un)learning journey

Daniela Brasil (editor) Illustrations by Silvana Beraldo & Kate Morales TUCAN Publisher &  Ecoversities Alliance, 2022   This South-up_Gall-Peters-projection_World Map is a guide for understanding how we are interconnected with all other beings on earth, introducing the notions of interbeing* & Earth Beings**. This guide is an invitation to search for deeper relations, with oneself and the pluriverse. It weaves

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