By Mariha Alexandra Proaño Chiriboga
Edited by Salomón Espinoza
What does it mean to be a man in the 21st century?
Beyond the evident gender gap — experienced uniquely in each region — and the violence perpetuated by systems designed and created by and for capitalism and patriarchy worldwide, what does it truly mean to be a man in the 21st century? Delving deeply into this question, informed by my personal experiences in psychology, education, studying the depths of feminine cyclicity and masculine processes, and witnessing firsthand the gender-based violence generated, reproduced, and validated by these systems, led me to develop the methodological approach I call Semilla Solar (Solar Seed).
Semilla Solar was born in Quito, Ecuador, in 2021, as part of my holistic vision to provide spiritual, mental, and physical healing for children, women, and men. I am the founder of Dandelions, a team of individuals dedicated to serving humanity’s evolution through tools of psychology and holistic healing. I hold a degree in clinical psychology and a master’s degree in education. Additionally, I authored the book The Path of the 8 Moons and for more than 15 years have led Tienda Roja (Red Tent), a space for feminine healing that has supported more than 3,000 women in their journeys of transformation and self-discovery.
Semilla Solar’s Unique Methodology
Inspired by my experience with Tienda Roja and my commitment to the healing of humanity, I created Semilla Solar — a space dedicated to men seeking to integrate their emotions, explore their spirituality, and consciously manage their sexuality. The Semilla Solar methodology is rooted in research that integrates biology and physiology with psychology and spirituality, bridging the body and spirit in a holistic and transformative growth process. This approach views the journey of the sperm as a reflection of a man’s psychological development — a journey that spans from birth to death. Just as the sperm forms in the testicle and integrates with the egg, men go through stages of evolution that encompass both body and soul.
To enhance this journey, Semilla Solar incorporates archetypes from various cultures worldwide, offering universal and positive symbolic imagery. Aligning these archetypes with each stage of development and with specific organs according to their energetic resonance creates an inclusive and meaningful therapeutic system.
What sets this approach apart from others? Unlike other methodologies, Semilla Solar is grounded in male physiology and the study of the stages of masculine psychological development. This makes the method accessible to all men, regardless of race, nationality, or social condition.

Supporting, Healing, Strengthening, and Transforming Lives
Over the past three years since its founding, Semilla Solar has guided more than 200 men through a process of self-discovery and conscious connection with the world. This transformative journey strengthens them internally and enables them to connect with their deepest purpose.
Semilla Solar is a center for empowerment, healing, and self-realization for men. We aim to create an environment where men feel free and supported in the process of integrating their feminine side while enhancing their masculine strengths, balancing both energies to achieve profound growth. Our mission focuses on helping each participant reclaim their innate strength and heal emotional wounds that, in many cases, have been ignored or repressed.
One of the main objectives of Semilla Solar is to support men in developing their emotional intelligence, fostering a more conscious and respectful understanding of their emotions. Additionally, our program includes specialized training in the conscious management of their seminal energy, along with comprehensive guidance to help them discover and connect with their life purpose, as the pioneering poet-author-activist Robert Bly wrote in his transformative work on masculinity.
We can think of Semilla Solar as the arrow launched toward a radiant future, where all men have access to tools for self-discovery and spaces for deeply exploring their potential. In this envisioned world, every man finds and walks a path of spiritual fulfillment, developing the skills to live in alignment with their life’s purpose. In this future, male healing is not only possible but also accessible and valued, enabling men of all ages and backgrounds to thrive in an environment of growth and authentic connection, honoring and intertwining in love with their families, partners, communities, and planetary alliances.
The Methodology
Semilla Solar places a special focus on developing leadership and sacred sexuality. As a teacher of Tantra and Taoist practices, I guide men in practicing semen retention and channeling this energy into their life projects. The methodology is built upon four fundamental pillars:
- Experiential and Movement-Based Encounters
Retreats are organized where men engage in dynamic activities, such as group challenges, nature hikes, ceremonies, and rituals, enabling them to find inner answers through movement. This reflects the nature of sperm, which only remains alive in motion. Thus, dynamic learning isa cornerstone of the Semilla Solar methodology. - Intimacy through the Online Platform
To facilitate emotional openness, the methodology includes a virtual platform where men can access information and activities in the privacy and comfort of their homes. The presence of a screen creates a safe distance, allowing them to open up emotionally and address sensitive topics like premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, childhood wounds, and emotional challenges without the pressure of being directly observed. - Working in Brotherhood
Those who have participated in retreats and online processes can join the community of men. Currently, Semilla Solar has a brotherhood of approximately 200 men of varying ages and nationalities (from Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, and Canada), united by their shared interest in awakening male consciousness. - Self-Hypnosis
As a complement to the previous pillars, Semilla Solar incorporates self-hypnosis as a tool for self-discovery and deep healing. This process allows men to explore themes such as healing childhood wounds, discovering life purpose, fostering emotional responsibility, and building spiritual connections. Self-hypnosis facilitates introspection, helping participants regulate their emotions and cultivate a compassionate relationship with themselves.

Male Evolutionary Psychology and the Journey of Sperm
The structure of Semilla Solar is inspired by a profound understanding of male developmental psychology intertwined with the symbolic journey of sperm. This approach links each stage of a man’s life to a phase in the sperm’s journey, enabling exploration that addresses both the physical and spiritual aspects of male development.
Drawing from Jungian psychology and various cultural traditions, themethodology identifies eight evolutionary stages. Each stage is associated with a gland or organ in the male body and connected to an archetype (of which comparative mythologist Joseph Campbell famously wrote) that guides the man’s inner growth.
The Eight Archetypes of Semilla Solar
- Pangú (Testicles/Lineages — Father)
This Chinese archetype symbolizes origin and connection to ancestral lineage. In this first stage, men work on reconciling their masculine identity, healing beliefs, and culturally-imposed expectations of what it means to be a man. The connection with ancestors and lineage is fundamental here, helping participants understand and reconcile their place in their family’s history. - Harpajard (Epididymis/Mother Relationship — Childhood)
Inspired by the Egyptian archetype of Horus as a child, this phase explores childhood wounds and the relationship with the mother. The goal is for men to recognize and heal early traumas that, although invisible in daily life, deeply impact their emotional development and relationships (Jung). - Dionysus (Vas Deferens/Emotional Bonds — Affective Responsibility)
Dionysus, the Greek god of joy and pleasure, represents youth, celebration, and the exploration of sexuality. In this stage, the exploration of issues of emotional responsibility and relationships guide men to enjoy their sexuality with respect and care for themselves and others (Bolem). - Vulcan (Seminal Vesicle/Life Purpose)
This stage, inspired by Vulcan, the Roman god of fire and smithing, focuses on commitment and stability, helping men identify their forge, or life purpose. Participants are encouraged to find and develop their life projects, channeling their energy to build a meaningful legacy. - Janus (Prostate/Crises and Leap of Faith)
In this phase men reflect on the recognition of patterns during moments of crisis. Janus, the Roman god whose two faces look to both the past and the future, teaches men to see their challenges as opportunities for growth, inviting introspection and learning from their own crises. - Tsunky (Cowper’s Gland/Sacred Sexuality and Partnership)
Tsunky represents sweetness, connection with nature, and conscious sexual expression. In this stage, men learn to nurture their capacity for tenderness and explore spirituality as a way of being at peace with themselves and their surroundings. Tsunky also guides them in discovering their anima, their inner feminine, and in managing their internal alchemy, fostering the balanced integration of both masculine and feminine energies. This stage also invites participants to develop skills for partnership life, exploring love languages and natural cycles in relationships. In this way men learn to build loving and conscious relationships, strengthening bonds and mutual respect between genders, enriching both their personal relationships and their role in the community (Chia & Winn). - Taranis (Littré’s Glands/Leadership and Fatherhood)
In this phase, inspired by Taranis, the Celtic god of thunder, men are guided to build a life based on principles and values that reflect integrity and coherence. This stage emphasizes the importance of developing not only a personal mission but also a sense of community responsibility, encouraging participants to become conscious leaders and fathers. Taranis symbolizes the power of creating a legacy based on respect and commitment, preparing men to guide and support future generations through a model of responsible and healthy masculinity. Thus, the archetype of Taranis represents the creation of a new lineage of men who, through their own growth, can inspire and nurture others (Pittman). - Odin (Glans/Legacy)
Odin, the wise Norse god, represents the legacy each man wishes to leave to the world. This final stage focuses on symbolic immortality through everyday actions and the impact men desire to endure over time. Participants reflect on how their decisions and actions can influence and transcend, fostering a sense of purpose and deep connection to the world they will leave for future generations (Moore).
Programs for Children, Teens, and Parents
The Initiation to Espermarquia Retreat, also known as the Semillero Solar Journey, is a unique program designed for children aged 9 to 13 and their families. This retreat offers an experience filled with activities that mark the transition from childhood to pre-adolescence, allowing children to embark on a path of self-discovery and confidence.
During the journey participants experience significant moments, from building spears and having night bonfires to a fighting ceremony where each child can earn their own “warrior name.” This rite of passage fosters inner strength and a sense of identity, while allowing children to deeply connect with their families (Pittman, 1993).
Mothers also play a fundamental role in supporting their children’s process, while fathers actively engage in the transformational journey. The Semillero Solar Journey strengthens family bonds and provides a solid foundation for children to begin their pre-adolescence with a sense of belonging, security, and purpose.
The Solar Hero Adventure is a program designed exclusively for adolescents aged 14 to 17, with the purpose of guiding them toward a conscious and healthy life. This program, also part of Semilla Solar, accompanies young people on a journey of self-discovery and personal development, providing them with essential tools for their transition into adulthood.
Summing Up, Looking Ahead
The journey of Semilla Solar is a unique and profound path that allows men to embrace a conscious, healthy, and transformative masculinity. By walking this path, participants not only heal and strengthen themselves but also positively impact their communities, building more authentic, responsible relationships that align with the values of a more conscious society.
With the support of individuals and organizations committed to this vision, such as Ecoversidades (Ecoversities) and others who have championed this mission, Semilla Solar can expand its reach and offer more men the opportunity to grow and evolve healthily. Every contribution and every show of support helps bring this healing space to those seeking a way to live based in peace, respect, and integrity.
If the Semilla Solar project resonates with you, we invite you to be part of this transformative movement.
By contributing to Semilla Solar, you are supporting a deep and lasting change in the lives of men and their communities. Together, we can build a society where the balance between the masculine and feminine flourishes, guiding each man toward a life of purpose, compassion, and connection. Let’s join forces to continue sowing awareness and healing on the path of many!

Below you can find texts to delve deeper into the foundations that helped me create the Semilla Solar methodology.
Moore, R., & Gillette, D. (2023). Arquetipos para una nueva masculinidad: Rey, guerrero, mago y amante (J. Martínez Verdasco, Trad.). Editorial Sirio. (Trabajo original publicado en 1990)
Bolen, J. S. (2011). Los dioses de cada hombre: Una nueva psicología masculina (A. Sánchez, Trad.). Kairós Editorial. (Original work published in 1989)
Chia, M., & Winn, M. (2001). Secretos taoístas del amor: Cultivando la energía sexual masculina (J. J. Alonso Rey, Trad.). Equipo Difusor del Libro. (Original work published in 1984)
Bly, R. (1990). Iron John: A Book About Men. Da Capo Press.
Campbell, J. (1949). The Hero with a Thousand Faces. Princeton University Press.
Pittman, F. S. (1993). Man Enough: Fathers, Sons, and the Search for Masculinity. Berkley Books.
Jung, C. G.( 1980). El hombre y sus símbolos. Paidos Editorial.
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