Dear Ecoversities friends,
The GAT (grant admin team) Circle wishes you a happy new year and invites you to join us virtually for our next ECOVERSANGHA* (Ecoversities General Members Meeting) on Saturday, January 15th!
We have committed to convening an Ecoversangha 4 times a year with the intention to provide short but consistent Alliance-wide moments of reconnection with each other and the spirit of Ecoversities from wherever we are, share announcements, events, updates as we continue to weave, morph and co-create ways of learning otherwise.
The Agenda for this one is to:
- Share our New Year vision for Alliance.
- Get updates from the different Working groups.
- To do short inspirations sharing from different members of the Alliance.
- Share about upcoming Calls/Invitations/Events.
The next General Members Meeting will be on 15th of January at 9:30pm IST // 12pm EST // 6am Hawaii
Join Zoom Meeting
With love,
Andrea, Harsh, Nariman, Chevanni, Manish, Alessandra and Sierra
**”Sangha” is a Sanskrit word used in many Indian languages meaning “association”, “assembly”, “company” or “community”.