News & Events

Healing Spirits of the Yukon Oracle: Magdaluz Bonilla Residency in Adventureversity

This deck of cards can serve as an oracle, as ideas/questions that may trigger group reflections as well. Each card contains the energy of an essence from the Yukon territory, associated with it there is a paragraph and a question arising from the essence of the flower, element, mushroom… In this way, we will be able to recognize and relate to them, as well as use their particular characteristics to open veins of knowledge, generate and nourish curiosity, and understand ourselves better. It is the creation of an imaginary of healing that, through experience, allows for the delivery of messages that lead to profound reflection and contact with the essences.

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Evina Residency Harvest in Swaraj University

INDIA 18/3-29/5/2024 <h3>Evina Harvest</h3> <p style=”text-align: left;”><b>India. </b></p><p style=”text-align: left;”><b>A place where I felt closer to my ancestors. </b></p><p style=”text-align: left;”><b>A place that could reflect what was happening some years ago in the land that I grow up.</b></p><p style=”text-align: left;”><b>A place that showed me that hope still exists.</b></p><p style=”text-align: left;”><b>A place that offered me love, trust, self-esteem.</b></p><p

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Residencia de Sandra Lezama con las Plantas Medicinales y la Abuela Daira, Fundación AMDAE, Agua de Dios, Colombia

Sandra Lezama (Mushuk Away, Ecuador) realizó una residencia con el acompañamiento de Ecoversidades donde tuvo la oportunidad de vivenciar y trabajar con las plantas medicinales, con la abuela Daira, en Agua de Dios, Colombia con la Fundación AMDAE (Asociación Mutual para el desarrollo integral de  la Afrocolombianidad y el Empresarismo).

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Nina Shear Residency in Instituto Favela de la Paz

Uma experiencia de pao de queijo, muito feijao y samba!

I was in Sao Paulo city for two months and three weeks. During my time there I was able to understand a lot of Brazilian culture, their music, the favela history and way of living, the language, and their food.

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A Quest into Tibetan Buddhist Philosophy and Meditation, Petra Carman Residency in Deer Park Institute, Bir, India

This report briefly chronicles the journey of my residency at Deer Park Institute in Bir, Himachal Pradesh, India, spanning from July 15 to August 16, 2023. Against the serene Himalayan backdrop, this period immersed me in the realm of Tibetan Buddhist philosophy and meditation practices, with a remarkable alignment with the “Datun” event – a month-long rainy season meditation retreat.

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