Notícias & Eventos

Medical Protocols and Healing Relationships – Learning with Covid The Covid-19 Pandemic is being used to reinforce the pharma industry and all its apparatus, and health issues have been also instrumentalized, becoming conductive of more control over our bodies and our minds. Language and communication through media and social media have a tremendous impact on our lives, producing fears, a desire to be

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Healing on the Periphery in Our Times: Tong Ren Healing with Hardip Mann | Learning with Covid Hardip Mann offers a collective healing session and her knowledge of Tong Ren Healing, an energy healing therapy based on the premise that illness is related to interruptions, or blockages, in the body’s natural flow of blood, neural bioelectricity, hormones and chi (life force energy). Tong Ren is often practiced as distance healing. This

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The Voices of the Black Diaspora – Learning With Covid The third episode of the Learning with Covid series, Voices of the Black Diaspora – a Dialogue on Political Resistance and Radical Love recorded on 28 June 2020. A conversation with Charlene Sinclair (New York), Latoya Manly-Spain (Hamburg) and Jailson de Souza e Silva (Rio de Janeiro), with host Michael Roberson (New York) who

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Learning With Covid – Silvia Federici, Gustavo Esteva and Munir Fasheh A conversation with thinkers/activists Silvia Federici, Gustavo Esteva and Munir Fasheh, considered by many, our leading teachers and elders. How we can learn with the virus, what we can do, and with whom to respond to this catastrophe that they call pandemic. Learning With Covid is an EcovsersiTEA series of impulses and conversations hosted

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How To Hospice The Current System – Learning With Covid can we collectively find ways to hospice the current system, imagine differently, and mobilize together to regenerate and recenter on life?  EcoversiTea (an initiative of Ecoversities Alliance) hosts Learning With Covid, a series of impulses and conversations, a space to cultivate our connection, share different knowledges, unlock personal and collective potential, responding to the

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