News & Events

Can I die now, or must I wait?

I write so tales don’t end
so war ends
I must write
not for anything but
to keep my emotions awake
to retain my humanity
My mother never taught me tatreez
the embroidery of my bleeding pain
from a cassette of memory
but she taught me
the language of the proletariat
the downtrodden
the chase after bags of flour

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A Quest into Tibetan Buddhist Philosophy and Meditation, Petra Carman Residency in Deer Park Institute, Bir, India

This report briefly chronicles the journey of my residency at Deer Park Institute in Bir, Himachal Pradesh, India, spanning from July 15 to August 16, 2023. Against the serene Himalayan backdrop, this period immersed me in the realm of Tibetan Buddhist philosophy and meditation practices, with a remarkable alignment with the “Datun” event – a month-long rainy season meditation retreat.

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Added New Page for Mutual Aid and Solidarity Opportunities in Ecoversities Actions: Urgent Call for Help in Gaza

A new page for Mutual Aid and Solidarity Opportunities has been added under the Ecoversities Actions Header. Some friends of the Alliance and their families are in dire need of help and support as they are seeking to evacuate Gaza. Any contribution and gift is appreciated. Support as you can. Spread the word. Together we can make a difference.

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What is the sound of the border?

What is the sound of the border? is a sound investigation that interrogates conditions, experiences, solidarities and possibilities for organising at the border- started by members of the political sound art collective Ultra-red together with asylum-seekers, and collaborators from Ecoversities Alliance, as those in Free Home University (Italy). The investigation welcomes anybody living the conditions

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Memoria Colectiva del IV Encuentro Regional Ecoversidades Abya Yala, en la Huasteca Potosína, México, Octubre 15-20, 2023

El pasado octubre, el Ecoverso se reunió en el IV Encuentro Ecoversidades Abya Yala, en la Huasteca Potosina, México. Fueron seis días sorprendentes de intenso compartir y sentipensar desde territorios y corazones diversos, de aprendizaje y desaprendizaje fuerte y sútil, junto a la Madre Tierra y nuestros ancestros. Es un momento revolucionario para la alianza latinoamericana, ya que caminamos hacia un mundo donde muchos mundos son posibles. Los horizontes y contornos del corazón se siguen expandiendo.

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Tales from the Second Asian Ecoversities Regional Gathering, Hoi An, Vietnam, 31st October – November 3rd, 2023

The Second Asian Regional Gathering of the Ecoversities Alliance took place at Triem Tay Garden in Hoi An, Vietnam, from October 31st to November 3rd, 2023, adopting an unConference format. The main objective was to assemble individuals deeply engaged in reimagining higher education. These visionaries work both within and outside the conventional education systems and universities. They also contribute to locally-rooted learning spaces that foster community regeneration, ecological sustainability, local economy development, and a sense of belonging. Many of these initiatives are connected to various grassroots, social, and ecological movements, as well as indigenous communities.

Following the success of the inaugural Asian gathering in Thailand last year, VCIL Community, as a dedicated participant in the movement for years, had the honor of hosting this year’s event in Vietnam. VCIL is a network and community of individuals advocating for a paradigm shift towards a well-being society and holistic, sustainable development in a disruptive world. We this through alternative, non-traditional education and social entrepreneurship to construct new models of development and civilization.

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Residencia de Gabriela Jimenez en la Escuela Campesina Abya-Anahuac, México

La Escuela Campesina es un espacio educativo, es el elemento pedagógico
con un posicionamiento político, entre muchos otros, que se dan a nivel
nacional y que busca darle coherencia a estas luchas, a esta forma de sobrevivir del campesinado en nuestro país, no se pretende ser “el espacio organizativo”, ser “el espacio ideológico”, ser “el espacio”, no, es simplemente un espacio de encuentro, de saberes campesinos que la Escuela Campesina provoca para que de ahí surjan nuevos conocimientos, para que la práctica
de las campesinas y los campesinos la podamos ir cada día mejorando y vaya
pasando de un nivel de calidad a otro siempre en sentido ascendente.
Con gran alegría este año la campe se aventuró a dejar los territorios locales,
nacionales y llevaron adelante el 1er encuentro Latinoamericano ABYA-ANAHUAC, donde Hojarasca Biblioteca Comunitaria de Punta Negra, fué invitada, así como otras organizaciones que acudieron desde Uruguay y Chile.

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Ecoversities Residencies 2024 Open Call + Application Form

abajo en español abaixo em português [ENGLISH] ECOVERSITIES OPEN CALL for the 2024 RESIDENCIES PROPOSALS (between March and July), part of the Pollinators, Exchanges and Residency (PER) Circle Dear Ecoversities community, Looking to strengthen our Ecoverse identity through the lens of love, common values and collective humanity, PER Circle invites the Alliance to learn about

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