
De la corriente principal a la multiplicidad de corrientes

full list of ecoversities
within our collaborative mapping platform




The Green Business College

The Green Business College is a college dedicated to building ‘green’ entrepreneurs by uniting green skills with business know-how. The Green Business College was established in 2017 as a social enterprise by SEED Community ( Inspired by the BOOKBRIDGE model (, it was founded with the support of the HILTI Foundation ( As of October 2020,

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Reimagined Learning Community

We are deeply rooted in Ubuntu, I am because You are and they were. Values of community and regenerative ways of life, acknowledging nature, the skies, and the spiritual. We believe that through a community working together for one purpose to sustain a good life for all we are able to raise youth with an awareness

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Pueblo Kufunda

Kufunda began almost fifteen years ago when Maaianne Knuth, founder of Kufunda, was drawn by her experience of her Zimbabwean home as being rich and alive, and yet also seeing that many people there saw first and foremost that which they did not have. Her experiences led her to create Kufunda as a place of

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Instituto de Artes y Ciencias Liberales del Cairo (CILAS)

CILAS hosts a dynamic, discussion-based learning environment conducive to creative inquiry, self-reflection, and civic engagement. Co-creation of knowledge at CILAS is fostered through classroom discussion and debate, workshops, musical performances, guest lectures, field visits, cooking, laughing, and listening. Students enroll in a yearlong study programme in the liberal arts. CILAS invites students from all walks

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La Academia de Innovación Social - Uganda

Youths are in charge of themselves and organize themselves in self-organized and freesponsible community hubs. Skills and experiences are gained through taking over responsibilities, leading the community through self-management. The organizational structure fosters the growth of every individual and offers opportunities to explore capabilities by taking over actual responsibilities and learn how to become a

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Life Mosaic

CURRENT PROGRAMMES Next Generation Leadership: We create unique trainings for indigenous youth, focused on awakening their calling to defend their territories and providing them with the skills to facilitate participatory processes grounded in their own cultures. Toolkits for Critical Education: We produce and disseminate videos, manuals, and other tools to build the capacity of local organisers; and

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Vigyan Ashram

The Origin Of Rural Technology System :If we go 1500 years back in history, India was not an underdeveloped country. India was at the forefront of civilization, and having a fully developed exchange with the other advanced countries of that time. What happened in these last 1500 years, that India lost this front line status and slipped to the back benches?

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Swaraj Jail University

The Swaraj Jail University project began in October 2018 with the purpose of prototyping a self-designed learning program in the Udaipur Central Jail. The purpose is to help inmates explore their passions, gain practical skills, and re-ignite self-esteem, leadership and life vision in the face of the numerous challenges of incarcerated life. The inmates are

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The Dharavi Dream Project

The Dharavi Dream Project aims to help create and sustain an environment in which the under-resourced emerging Hip-Hop talent be encouraged to follow their passion for music. AFTER SCHOOL of hip hop हमारे बारे में A hip-hop movement started in 2014 running for the last 6 yrs in the bylanes of Dharavi – Asia’s largest Ghetto

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Shure University

Personal Courses and Group Projects There are many unique courses available at Shure including: Alternative Education, Academic History, School Truancy, Family Discourse, Life Discourse, Cultural History, Politics and Economics, World History, Research Seminar, Creating Your Own Way of Life, Literary Discussion, Pop Music, Computer Science, Tokyo Cultural Activities, Live Theater, Modern and Fine Arts, as

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King’s College

We promote entrepreneurial spirit through progressive education. We love shaking things up, trying new ideas and challenging stereotypical norms. We believe real learning happens when you get your hands dirty. It’s not only about classrooms, books, or examinations, but it’s also about understanding the real-life problems and finding innovative solutions. We, thus seek students who

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Kanthari fosters participants from all over the world. Some have university degrees while others have little to no formal education. Some are blind or physically disabled, others have no disabilities at all. What is important is a sense of ownership, motivation, creativity, talent and passion to create a positive social impact in their communities and

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Biosphere Foundation

Biosphere Foundation is a non-profit US organisation with operations in Indonesia managed by PT Biosphere Stewardship Center, and a partnership with Yayasan Biosfir Indonesia to work in Bali Barat National Park. In 1991 we embarked on a 30-year mission around the planet to fuse our Biosphere 2 heritage with local knowledge, creating a collaborative movement

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The Soil Project

Organized by VCIL Community, The Soil Project is an international alternative education and gap year project for young people that takes place in many countries across Asia – Africa. As the name implies, along with the soil’s educational philosophy, the project aims to provide the foundation, community, and resources needed for learners on their journey

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At Nav Gurukul, students are equipped with skills to pursue aspirational jobs like software engineering. To keep up with the industry and modern skills, Nav Gurukul uses online courses available and augmenting the same with contextual examples relevant for our students. Students are thus trained on modern day technologies, stacks and soft skills like critical/creative

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Deer Park Institute

Deer Park Institute creates an atmosphere for contemplation, compassion and courage to be nurtured through the encounters with the Himalayas, the sublime energies… With a variety of programs, workshops ranging from Zen meditation, to Kashmir Shaivism, study and debate of Buddhist sutras and shastras, Calligraphy, Wilderness writing, Haiku & Renga, Ragas and Indian classical music,

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El Instituto de Alternativas del Himalaya, Ladakh (Hial)

HIAL aims to break the rigid boxes of conventional thinking, be relevant to people’s lives, and encourage learning via practical application of knowledge.
The scarcity of some resources and abundance of others inspire crafty solutions to everyday problems. The innovative approach to education, ‘Learning by Doing’, is closing the gap between mainstream and alternative learning at

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Universidad Habib

Habib was conceived as a preeminent institute for higher education, guided by Yoshin philosophy. Yohsin encompasses five major paradigms: striving for Excellence; appreciating Aesthetics (beauty); nurturing Passion; Respecting others; and Serving the communities in which we reside. A multidimensional concept, Yohsin incorporates a worldview where the worth of a person is measured not just in

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The Swadharma programme has been developed by Auroville’s Purnam Centre for Integrality. Purnam is a unit of Auroville Foundation with the purpose of building transformative action learning courses & communities, founded in the paradigm of “soul-led integral education” developed by Sri Aurobindo. Formally, Auroville is a foundation, an institution of Higher Education under the Ministry

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El Proyecto Mulka

The name ‘Mulka’ means a sacred but public ceremony, and, to hold or protect. The mission is to sustain and protect Yolŋu cultural knowledge in Northeast Arnhem Land under the leadership of community members. The Mulka Project employs and trains as many Yolŋu of all ages as possible in full time and casual appointments. The

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El Instituto para el Estudio y las Prácticas del Desarrollo (IDSP)

Through its Open Learning Spaces, IDSP provides engaging courses in critical thinking and leadership, as well as professional development to shape a meaningful career path for youth. Learners acquire knowledge and skills necessary to promote human rights, political participation, gender equality, and global citizenship–all of which will help them to improve safety and development in

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Chto Delat (La Escuela del Arte Comprometido)

In 2013, Chto Delat initiated an educational platform, the School of Engaged Art in Petersburg and also runs a space called Rosa’s House of Culture. From its inception, the collective has been publishing an English-Russian newspaper focused on the urgent issues of Russian cultural politics, in dialogue with the international context. The collective Chto Delat

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Eco-aldea Transition Asia

The Eco-village Transition Asia brings together relentless eco-social activism and first-rate business management in the face of the ecological, social and spiritual crisis that people are facing today. Asia has come to the world’s attention in many senses. For the Eco-village, the most important aspect of Asia is her potential and actual contributions in non-anthropocentric

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América del Centro y del Sur

Biblioteca Hojarasca

Hojarasca es un espacio, una inquietud que indeterminadamente cambia, se convierte de a letras en frases, en cuentos, en poemas, en querer y en hacer. En este espacio coinciden no solo libros, también es a veces un lugar de encuentro, donde cada uno desde su ser construye su propia historia. Hojarasca tiende a ser a

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UniDiversidade das Kebradas

Modern education is far from training people capable of solving complex societal issues. This industrial education sustains the global economy, creates even more hierarchies than social justice, and more dissatisfied people than full. Our Purpose To put education at the service of the ecology, culture, gift economy, spirituality, and life of our planet; To identify,

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CIET México

En el CIET trabajamos con la metodología del Campo Punto Cero. Si quieres saber más al respecto, te invitamos a ver este video, donde los desarrolladores de esta metodología hablan al respecto.

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Quito Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences (QILAS)

QILAS offers three main methods of instruction: Our core method during our core curriculum is discussion based learning (DBL). DBL allows students to develop a wide appreciation of perspectives as they co-construct and re-claim knowledge. Students are invited to think critically and creatively as we together analyze prominent thinkers and core interdisciplinary debates. Project based

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Sinal do Vale

The Institute Sinal do Vale is a center for the regeneration of ecosystems, communities, and individuals stewarding 173 hectares of land in the Valley of the River of Santo Antonio. We are located 50 km from downtown Rio de Janeiro in the buffer zone between the urban sprawl of Rio and some of the last

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Instituto Elos/Guerreiros Sem Armas

Everything that we do has the Elos Philosophy as its foundation, a philosophy which seeks to create a scenario of abundance and recognize the talents and resources available for turning collective dreams into reality. We have a methodology that brings together and addresses local needs, and that recognizes the potential of every individual person and

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Gaia U Latina/ ERES

Gaia U Latina is a living university without walls, an ecoversity that crosses borders, like a un-institution, which seeks to encourage a global intentional community of apprentices and enthusiastic and thoughtful apprentices, focused on ecological regeneration and social justice. Our work started in 2008 We are Incubating a Culture of Ecosocial Regeneration in Chile and

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Centro Sachamama para la Regeneración BioCultural (SCBR)

SCBR was founded in 2009 by the anthropologist Frédérique Apffel-Marglin. SCBR shares a worldview in which the human, the non-human, as well as the community of spirits, are all kin to each other, treating nature as a Thou rather than an it. By ‘biocultural regeneration’ we mean to honor this integration of all life as

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PRATEC (Proyecto Andino de Tecnologías Campesinas)

El Proyecto Andino de Tecnologías Campesinas (PRATEC) acompaña desde hace más de 30 años a diferentes ONGs (Núcleos de Afirmación Cultural Andina – NACAS) y grupos de campesinos en una propuesta de afirmación cultural con acento en los aspectos de la crianza de la diversidad. PRATEC se inició en noviembre de 1986 en Urubamba. Fue

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Universidad Campesina Indigena en Red (UCI-RED)

La UCI-Red, Universidad Campesina Indígena en Red es una organización de la sociedad civil fundada en 1998 y registrada como Asociación Civil. Recoge la experiencia de 30 años del Centro de Estudios para el Desarrollo Rural en procesos acompañamiento a comunidades y colectivos en regiones campesinas e indígenas, planificación con sujeto, planificación estratégica institucional, procesos de fortalecimiento organizacional y

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Instituto Superior Intercultural Ayuuk (ISIA)

En ISIA, buscamos formar profesionales interculturales que, situados desde el contexto y experiencia de las comunidades, impulsen el desarrollo integral-sustentable y fortalezcan la libre determinación de los pueblos indígenas. Estos son algunos principios que guían nuestro trabajo: Aamukëj jikyäjtën o atu´kmukëj jikyäjtën son las palabras que se usan en lengua ayuuk para referirse al fenómeno

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UMA (Universidad del Medio Ambiente)

Universidad del Medio Ambiente offers Master’s Degree programs, workshops, diplomas and consulting services focusing on the sustainability and regeneration of social and environmental issues. The main value of the university is the creation of a point of union to accelerate the learning process between students, specialists and leaders in sustainability. The campus strictest to be

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At CACAO, chocolate is synonymous with rebelliousness, and the production of chocolate is a form of rebellion. The cooperative began in November of 2013 and aims to construct a horizontal structure and foster mutual aid and reciprocity. CACAO emphasizes learning through sharing and doing, and innovating techniques based on traditional knowledge systems or other sources

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Universidad de la Tierra, or Unitierra, was thus born amongst the context of radical reactions against schooling observed in many Indigenous communities. Unitierra is deeply immersed in social change processes and dedicates itself centrally to the exploration of new options for the creation of political, ideological and cultural alternatives. Unitierra understands learning as an aspect

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Co.Re Centro de Aprendizagem Rural

Centro Co.Re is a learning center inspired by the guidelines of Ecoversities Alliance. Willing to create a higher educational center in a rural area. The project was initiated by Jose Donado and Rafaela Leal with the support of Sara Serrão. We are willing to learn how to better serve society and the world in the

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Spring Academy

Spring Academy was born in 2015 out of research into educational reform in Greece and anywhere where educational choice is limited. This research was, and continues to be, in collaboration with educational reform experts and organisations from all over the world. The learning that takes place is: embodied, the body is fully involved ecological, founded

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Tamera Peace Research & Education Center

We are empowering a planetary community of change makers to take an active role in the transition to a more peaceful and thriving world. Our trainings are transformative learning experiences, in and through community, based on the Healing Biotopes Plan. We offer online and on-site courses for those wanting to explore this global peace plan, a

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Complexity University

We are not a conventional university*. At the heart of everything we do is practice. Signing up to one of our courses is a little like joining a gym. You’re going to have to actually exercise your muscles, not simply watch from a comfortable chair and take notes. Tackling complex challenges is a collective effort. This means

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Hedge School

We are living in unprecedented times. Our global situation reveals the fragility of our world and it also reveals the power of our interconnectedness, interdependence and interbeing as a human species. As the systems and structures we live and operate in shift and strain we are being called to take better care of ourselves, each

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INLAND is a platform that links territory, culture and social change. It develops different lines of action on a local and international scale including hosting programming Study Groups, coordinating artistic interventions in more than 22 villages, or impulsing the “Nuevo Jardín de Dalias”, in the Matadero’s “El Solar” since 2013. INLAND functions as a collective

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Learning Planet Institute

The Learning Planet Institute is the new iteration of the Center for Research and Interdisciplinarity, or CRI, started by researchers François Taddei and Ariel Lindner in 2006. As suggested by its name, the Learning Planet Institute is a driver of the learning-society revolution that believes learning, research, collective intelligence, and creativity can help both individuals

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Universitatea Alternativa

The Alternative University was founded in 2008 by five students from Politehnica University of Bucharest who, frustrated with the education system, decided to create a university centred around an autonomous learning experience for students who wanted to make an impact in the world.
At the heart of this educational model is the needs of the student.

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UnaVersity is creating a lively Transformative Learning community of emergent and resilient unaVillages, where people are Learning, Working and Living together for a sustainable, good and peaceful livelihood within the global, solidary UnaVision community. UnaVersity offers a unique learning environment for the global UnaVision community. The UnaVersity approaches are Transformative Learning, Project-Based Learning (PBL), Learning

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Findhorn College

Findhorn College delivers high-quality education and research opportunities and partners with other leading training institutes to deliver inspirational courses for positive change. Based in the world-renowned Findhorn Ecovillage, Findhorn College adopts an ecological and holistic worldview to all of its work. The focus of the college is in the areas of community resilience, social development,

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YIP (El Programa Internacional de Iniciativa Juvenil)

YIP was created to provide a platform for young people to develop their fullest potential, to expand their understanding, find their authentic task in society and take initiative towards a better world.To accomplish this, the program does not demand uniform set outcomes and results but works to embody each unique individuals self-defined aims and objectives. The

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El Centro de Ciencias Sociales, Lincoln

The SSC, Lincoln was born in 2010, out of a desire to preserve public space for social science education and research, and to address the concern for a system of higher education that is increasingly oriented towards satisfying the perceived needs and highly competitive, profit-driven motives of business and industry.The Centre is especially designed for

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Escuela de negocios Knowmads

Knowmads is a platform for people who want to transform themselves and their world. We believe it is our job to enable, facilitate, empower and inspire our participants to become changemakers. The goal of Knowmads lies in educating changemakers. Students and staff co-create the program and direct where the Tribes are heading, as students are

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Schumacher College

Schumacher College, founded in 1991, attracts students from almost 90 countries round the world who come to study on short courses or join immersive postgraduate programmes. Students learn in small class-sizes and live and work together in community. There is an emphasis on ‘learning by doing’ rather than the approach in traditional institutions of ‘chalk

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La Universidad Free Home

FHU is an open–ended, research-based, artist-led experiment in radical education. It is an intensive collective experience, operating with coalitional and self-directed methods, encouraging different ways of learning, responding to the local-global issues of our times. FHU is an experiment focused on generating new ways of sharing and creating knowledge by experiencing life in common. The

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América del Norte

Sterling College

Sterling College is a private college focused on the human relationship with the natural world. Because we know that the most critical issues of our time involve our climate, soil, water, food, energy, wilderness, and estrangement from nature, Sterling offers ecologically focused bachelor’s degrees in only four areas—Ecology, Environmental Humanities, Sustainable Agriculture & Food Systems, and Outdoor Education (or a program you design yourself)— to equip

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YES! connects, inspires and collaborates with change-makers to build thriving, just and regenerative ways of life for all. We primarily work with people ages 20-40, though many of our programs are multigenerational as well. How We WorkWe incubate exploratory and innovative programs, remaining open to the evolving needs and opportunities of our constituents and our

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weaving earth

Weaving Earth Center for Relational Education

Founded in 2013, Weaving Earth joins a chorus of voices rising throughout time who know and imagine that humanity is capable of much more than destruction and division. Many people and communities already embody this and have for a long time. Responding to the complexity of our times requires ways of being, feeling, perceiving and

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the rowe center

The Rowe Center

Founded in 1924 as a Unitarian summer camp, we still offer summer camps for youth and adults. Since 1974, the Rowe Conference Center has been offering weekend workshops for adults on human development, spirituality, nature, writing, art, music, and politics . Over the years, we have had teachers such as Starhawk, Bayo Akomalafe, Matthew Fox,

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Open Master’s

Open Master’s inspires, connects, and tells the stories of self-directed learners and community builders creating their own learning experiences in new and imaginative ways. In addition to providing a framework, process and network for the Open Master’s, the course also create tools and resources and facilitate shared experiences like Beginnings, retreats, and short-term learning challenges.

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La Investigación Convivial y el Aprendizaje Insurgente

The Convivial Research and Insurgent Learning (CRIL) tool is a web infrastructure made possible through the collaboration of the Universidad de la Tierra’s Center for Appropriated Technologies and the Center for Convivial Research and Autonomy. As a system of information, CRIL emphasizes the critical intersection between grassroots horizontal investigative practices, analytical frameworks, facilitation strategies, and direct action

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Goddard College

  Students at Goddard work with faculty to direct their studies according to their personal and professional interests, goals, gifts, and desires. Students develop the capacity to understand their lives in an ever-changing social context, and thereby to take meaningful action in the world. They are encouraged to question received knowledge and the status quo

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Black Daddies Club // Universidad Internacional Verandah (VIU)

At VIU we believe strongly that education for marginalized and racialized community members should include the following: Self directed learning  Learning through traveling (domestically and internationally) Experiential learning Co- creating the learning environment Intergenerational learning (education that engaged elders to young children) Family based learning (courses for the entire family to participate in together) Learning

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Universidad Gaia

The approach emphasizes balanced flow of action and theory, learning by doing merged with learning by thinking (praxis). Required courses are offered online in a vibrant eLearning environment for exchange of ideas and resources and showcasing project work. Student associates spend a considerable period of their degree or diploma study engaged in self-designed and directed

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Región de Pacífico

EA Ecoversity

EA Ecoversity is a culturally-driven higher education and career training program for Native Hawaiian youth and young adults. EA stands for Education with Aloha, an ancient yet modern way of teaching developed by Dr. Kū Kahakalau over the past 30 years.  Ea also means sovereignty in Hawaiian because EA Ecoversity is designed to empower Native

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YxY began as a 3 day learning experience, in 2020 during the height of the pandemic, to evolve our conscious activism, radical reimagination and co-creative action to transform our education. Now we are a global community of over 400 youth activists from 80+ countries and 9 Glocal Hubs, aiming to ignite a global movement to

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TEN (The Emergence Network)

TEN (The Emergence Network) is a fugitive, underground network of social artists seeking to create new openings to age-old problems. We aim to disrupt dominant modes of perception, engagement, and responsiveness in a time of crisis by disturbing modern notions of justice, power, and human agency. This is the work of postactivism, a concept developed

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Universidad del Futuro

La universidad del futuro es un proyecto educativo dinámico y distribuido, fruto de la auto-organización de la sociedad civil y que funciona como una red de redes de aprendizaje, donde convergen personas con una gran trayectoria – gentes apasionadas, inspiradoras, generalistas, autodidactas, creativas, líderes y lideresas – y donde también se articulan colectivos artísticos, culturales

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La educación debería consistir de una serie de encantamientos, cada uno de ellos llevando al individuo a un nivel más alto de conciencia, comprensión y parentesco con todo lo viviente