Noticias y eventos

Glossary for the Appreciation of Life, Part One

Words can be extraordinarily powerful. They can help us recognise and appreciate feelings, experiences and natural phenomena that we may otherwise not notice or may take for granted. Words can also introduce us to other ways of existing, aspects of different cultures and new concepts that can alter where we put our energy and change our

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Healing Spirits of the Yukon Oracle: Magdaluz Bonilla Residency in Adventureversity

This deck of cards can serve as an oracle, as ideas/questions that may trigger group reflections as well. Each card contains the energy of an essence from the Yukon territory, associated with it there is a paragraph and a question arising from the essence of the flower, element, mushroom… In this way, we will be able to recognize and relate to them, as well as use their particular characteristics to open veins of knowledge, generate and nourish curiosity, and understand ourselves better. It is the creation of an imaginary of healing that, through experience, allows for the delivery of messages that lead to profound reflection and contact with the essences.

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Indicibile (Unspeakable) is the title of a workshop that was organized with the intention to test a psychedelic compound, changa, with a group of artists that could try it out during a few days, while collectively creating their own setting. The title obviously refers to something that cannot be told. The experiences arousing with changa,

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Tejiendo Aprendizajes con la Pacha Mama y la Unu Mama

La experiencia de innovación educativa realizada por los docentes de la Institución Educativa Alejandro Velasco Astete – Cusco a través del Proyecto: “Chacra y fuentes de agua: lugares y tiempos para el aprendizaje intercultural y ambiental”. Es realmente un esfuerzo por hacer de la educación una práctica sintiente y emotiva y a la vez emancipadora y critica en estos tiempos de incertidumbre global. Ella reconoce, revaloriza y “utiliza” unos lugares y unos tiempos de su pequeño territorio escolar para reconectar la relación humana con la naturaleza, las deidades y el cosmos, tal como lo hacían nuestros ancestros quechuas.

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Willkamayu Río Sagrado

El Centro de Promoción de las Sabidurías Interculturales (CEPROSI) pone a disposición el libro Willkamayu, río sagrado. Estrategias para la convivencia con la Madre Agua como material de consulta y/o breve manual de acción en torno al cuidado del agua. El propósito de esta publicación es el de dar a conocer la naturaleza del agua en sus diversas manifestaciones en el marco de la vivencia de la cultura andina-amazónica heredada en el Perú. De este modo, se espera sensibilizar a todo lector, sin importar su edad y condición, para iniciar o promover acciones de revalorización y convivencia con la Madre Agua, de modo personal y/o institucional, en estos tiempos de incertidumbre.

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The Re-imagining Education Conference FANZINE: The Inside Story

This fanzine is built with the collective gardening and the harvest of the last 3 years from attendees, speakers, volunteers, panelists, and organizers.

We had in mind that the conference has inspired people to share poetry, drawings, notes, ideas, inspiring and profound phrases, songs; we found so
much beauty that we wanted to take the time to create this fanzine by hand. We made it in this format because it gives us the freedom to link different forms of expression.

There are many things; we couldn’t include everything. We apologize in advance if we did not include you in this compilation.

The REC conference is offered in the spirit of the gift, we believe in generosity, love and kindness and we are open to receiving gifts in return.

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Dear reader, below you will find a document that is the result of a political and artistic space of reflection and diasporic experimentation of personal and collective empowerment: a marathon that we called ‘Transatlantic Sounds: What would you say if I told you that our black history has been denied?’  This marathon materialized the desire to create

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50 Years of the Barefoot College

The Barefoot College has followed the life and work style of Mahatma Gandhi for 50 years. Gandhian values of simplicity, austerity, equality, collective decision making, transparency and accountability are put intopractice.The Barefoot College has placed practical common sense at the centre of its search for solutions, and has discovered far- reaching low-cost innovations in conserving energy, schooling,

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I-Science – Ndeye San

  Welcome, pirate friend, as you hold this booklet in your hands.  I would like to share with you a story: the creative, musical, dream-like and human journey, which gave birth to this album, Ndeye San. We are I-Science, freedom-thirsty pirates, seeking for alternatives and real equality, just like old-times pirates did, the first anarchist

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Schooling Beliefs

By Alex Bretas INTRODUCTION The way we see the world and behave have been shaped over time by powerful influences: family, media, church, market, life, politics, groups of friends and even our habits. What about school? Have you ever wondered how this institution has been shaping our living in the world, our perception of ourselves

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