News & Events

Kapu Aloha: Sacred Activism and Civic Engagement grounded in Cultural Traditions

By Kū Kahakalau, Ph.D. In 2019, efforts to protect Mauna Kea, Hawaiʻiʻs tallest mountain, from the construction of a Thirty-Meter Telescope (TMT) (1), crystalised the Hawaiian movement, unlike any other Hawaiian-related issue in the past, uniting tens of thousands of Native Hawaiians of all ages, on all islands, and removing long-standing barriers between Native Hawaiian

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The University of Full Catastrophe Learning

As the impact of the Covid-19 crisis spreads from the biological, to the social and the economic, many universities are confronting the realities of living in a world characterized by complexity. What are the implications for universities? How do we need to change our approach to education? 1.My early academic life was a slow moving

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Gesturing Towards Decolonial Futures – Global Citizenship Otherwise Study Program

This booklet was prepared by Vanessa de Oliveira Andreotti, Sharon Stein, Rene Suša, Tereza  Čajkova, Dani d’Emilia, Elwood Jimmy, Bill Calhoun, Sarah Amsler, Camilla Cardoso, Dino Siwek and  Kyra Fay in April 2019. Here a quote about this study program:  “These educational tools were created to offer a rough overview of the hidden costs of

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Learning Journey for Climate Resilience – South Devon Bioregion

Climate change has been called ‘the long emergency’. Resistant as humans are to change, and often fearful of the unknown, we now have a tremendous opportunity to demonstrate what humanity can be at its best, if we are able to find agency. By agency we mean ability to take action in a generative way to

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THE ECOVERSITIES STARTUP KIT – developed by India members

Each of us, individually and collectively, are capable of self-designing and selforganizing our own learning programs, learning communities and learning ecosystems. We need to reclaim our capacities to decolonize, generate and share knowledge. We need to re-open wisdom dialogues about development, progress, technology, equality, freedom and the good life.  This document is a supportive guide to setting up your

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Cultural Horizon Mujaawarah Reflection

by dina bataineh a reflection from the Arab ecoversities gathering in Jordan 2019 it’s irrelevant what language i write in, some music can only reach so many ears, and my meaning is movement, an intricate dance of interweaving melody, a delicate utterance of allah. how can i draw a story out of what was…? transport

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