Actions and Ecoversities Service Circles
The life and actions of the Ecoversities Alliance are generously supported by an assembly of Service Circles. These circles accompany and care for the internal as well as external processes of the network, they are like invisible mycelial threads or the microbiota that make life in the forest soil a possibility. Each of these service circles is stewarded by members of the alliance. As service circles, they are autonomous and able to make their own decisions, while simultaneously having unique roles and shared response-abilities with the wider ecoversities lifeshed.
Each circle nurtures its own essence, and is constantly evolving, with new learnings and gifts that each of its members share and bring forward into the center, expanding the collective intelligence and sensemaking of the alliance. They have their own offerings, seasonal cycles, kinship relationships and needs. Currently there are about 16 active service circles, some of these are supported by a small scholarship/gift economy, others are not. The service circles that receive funding are related to the administrative, maintenance, financial and communication needs of Ecoversities, including supporting open calls made available for learners and members of the alliance. There have been recent additions, such as the conflict composters, sensemaking and care, and more-than-human service circles.