News & Events

Letters from Imagination

This is an invitation to a ritual for re-imagining our contemporary self. <img width="”768″" height="”1056″" src="”×1056.jpg”" alt="””" loading="”lazy”" /> <p style="”font-size:" 28px; font-style: normal; font-weight: 500; font-family: kalam, ‘open sans’; letter-spacing: 0.8px;”>Hello, Dear One! Now that you are here, take a deep breath, connect with your inner self, and please take a moment to read

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Experiential Learning in Swaraj | Swaraj University Live Human Signposts

The first two articles in this series looked at each of their experiences with formal schooling growing up, and subsequently their unique paths to exploring alternative education. Each of them had a different intention and journey to get to Swaraj. Similarly, each of them had a different experience while learning at Swaraj.  Although there were

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Path to Alternatives | Swaraj University Live Human Signposts

The previous article in this series looked at the stories that each Live Human Signpost shared relating to their experiences with formal education growing up. Overall, the stories that were shared were of dissatisfaction and of developing unhealthy habits and perception. This led to depression, anxiety, confusion and disconnection. These negative experiences led each of

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How to Start your own Ecoversity Workshop

This interactive workshop on how to start your own ecoversity was offered at the 2021 virtual Re-imagining Education Conference with Manish Jain (India) and Karim-Yassin Goessinger (Egypt). Prompts: DREAM 1) What is a dream for an Ecoversity that you’re holding? Give your Ecoversity a name PURPOSE 2) What is the need for your Ecoversitiy in

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Indigenous Worldview can Preserve our Existence Worldview and Future Generations of Life on Earth Our dominant ways of life are guided by an underlying worldview that has been the main driver behind climate change, pandemics and extinction rates. Overwhelming evidence reveals that our original Indigenous, nature-based worldview is an antidote. Supporting and Re-embracing this interconnected way of living is the

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Ecoversities Planetary Gathering Mexico

This is an invitation to join a group of learners and communities from around the world who are reclaiming diverse knowledges, relationships and imaginations to design new approaches to Higher Education. This video was filmed at the Ecoversities Planetary Gathering in Mexico in 2019. The Ecoversities Alliance is committed to radically re-imagining higher education to

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Medical Protocols and Healing Relationships – Learning with Covid The Covid-19 Pandemic is being used to reinforce the pharma industry and all its apparatus, and health issues have been also instrumentalized, becoming conductive of more control over our bodies and our minds. Language and communication through media and social media have a tremendous impact on our lives, producing fears, a desire to be

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Healing on the Periphery in Our Times: Tong Ren Healing with Hardip Mann | Learning with Covid Hardip Mann offers a collective healing session and her knowledge of Tong Ren Healing, an energy healing therapy based on the premise that illness is related to interruptions, or blockages, in the body’s natural flow of blood, neural bioelectricity, hormones and chi (life force energy). Tong Ren is often practiced as distance healing. This

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The Voices of the Black Diaspora – Learning With Covid The third episode of the Learning with Covid series, Voices of the Black Diaspora – a Dialogue on Political Resistance and Radical Love recorded on 28 June 2020. A conversation with Charlene Sinclair (New York), Latoya Manly-Spain (Hamburg) and Jailson de Souza e Silva (Rio de Janeiro), with host Michael Roberson (New York) who

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Learning With Covid – Silvia Federici, Gustavo Esteva and Munir Fasheh A conversation with thinkers/activists Silvia Federici, Gustavo Esteva and Munir Fasheh, considered by many, our leading teachers and elders. How we can learn with the virus, what we can do, and with whom to respond to this catastrophe that they call pandemic. Learning With Covid is an EcovsersiTEA series of impulses and conversations hosted

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