Notícias & Eventos


Indicibile (Unspeakable) is the title of a workshop that was organized with the intention to test a psychedelic compound, changa, with a group of artists that could try it out during a few days, while collectively creating their own setting. The title obviously refers to something that cannot be told. The experiences arousing with changa,

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Ways of Listening

By Alessandra Pomarico (firefly frequencies, Free Home University, Ecoversities), Nikolay Oleynikov (firefly frequencies, Chto Delat), Elliot Perkins (Ultra-red) “What does it mean to listen? After almost ten years as part of the collective experiment of Free Home University and other learning communities, my answer today would be: to suspend the impulse to find an immediate

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The Re-imagining Education Conference FANZINE: The Inside Story

This fanzine is built with the collective gardening and the harvest of the last 3 years from attendees, speakers, volunteers, panelists, and organizers.

We had in mind that the conference has inspired people to share poetry, drawings, notes, ideas, inspiring and profound phrases, songs; we found so
much beauty that we wanted to take the time to create this fanzine by hand. We made it in this format because it gives us the freedom to link different forms of expression.

There are many things; we couldn’t include everything. We apologize in advance if we did not include you in this compilation.

The REC conference is offered in the spirit of the gift, we believe in generosity, love and kindness and we are open to receiving gifts in return.

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What We Can Learn from the Student Protesters?

by Maura Stephens and Alessandra Pomarico Most living things and virtually all of the freshwater in the Palestinian Occupied Territories have been destroyed. Photo from University of British Columbia by sierra ying allen/ Ecoversities Like others around the world, we’ve been watching as neoliberal and corporate-controlled universities repress, silence, and violate peaceful protesters who are

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Earthly Companions********a guide for an interbeing (un)learning journey

Daniela Brasil (editor) Illustrations by Silvana Beraldo & Kate Morales TUCAN Publisher &  Ecoversities Alliance, 2022   This South-up_Gall-Peters-projection_World Map is a guide for understanding how we are interconnected with all other beings on earth, introducing the notions of interbeing* & Earth Beings**. This guide is an invitation to search for deeper relations, with oneself and the pluriverse. It weaves

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Vigil as convivial tool and convivial praxis

by Annie Paradise and Manuel Callahan 01.06.2021 Mothers everywhere have moved into a state of vigil. It is a vigil that is ongoing and without end, but also in motion. Catalyzed primarily by Black, Brown, and Indigenous mothers and also including aunts, grandmothers, sisters, daughters, partners, compañerxs, a proliferation of dissident bodies and genders, extended

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Something Moved

by Shane Finan Introduction   I’ll start with an adage: You can’t see the woods for the trees. This saying is used to suggest that sometimes what we are looking for is right in front of us. Now I would like to reverse it: We can’t see the trees for the woods. A complex environment may

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Dissertation as a crack/in the cracks

Playing with the possibilities, tensions and limitations of reimagining (higher) education from within <strong>By Stephanie Marie Knox Steiner</strong> A welcoming, an invocation: Welcome, dear friend of the Ecoverse, fellow traveler on this path! Welcome, body, Welcome, breath. Welcome, land that is holding us in our respective interconnected places. Welcome computers or phones or paper that

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