Notícias & Eventos

Working With Conflict & Receiving Its Gifts

by Devin Bokaer Many of us have experienced a desire to help make the world a better place. However, the crises that we are collectively facing are incredibly complex and interwoven with multiple forms of systemic oppression and trauma. It is important for change-makers to explore the problems in our responses to the problems and

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Becoming Homo Giftus: A Guide to Embracing the Gift Culture

by Priyanka Modi In a world often defined by material pursuits, a powerful and transformative force transcends boundaries, cultures, and generations – the gift culture. This beautiful tapestry of selfless giving, compassion, and genuine human connection can create profound change, not only in individual lives but in the fabric of our communities and societies. Through

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Expanding Education’s Capacities to Face the World’s Complexities

by Clément Moliner-Roy With support and feedback from Andrea González, Devin Bokaer, João Gabriel Almeida and Manish Jain. We live in a multidimensional world, yet mainstream education trains us to think for a unidimensional world: Image from the Intro-to-Complexity-May-2021, Complexity University Indeed, most of our educational systems make us seek clear answers and single forms

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Education for the head, heart, body, soul, and spirit!

by Clément Moliner-Roy With support and feedback from Andrea González, Dzifa Afonu and Manish Jain. [Spanish version below – Sigue la versión en español] We often take for granted that education equates to good. But what if education can also generate harm? For instance, education sometimes makes people so obsessed about getting the right answers

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Towards oneness: Educating for a paradigm shift

By Clément Moliner-RoyWith support and feedback from Andrea González, Ethel Pang, João Gabriel Almeida and Manish Jain. To shift or to collapse?Do I even need to convince you that we need a paradigm shift? That if we continue thinking and living the way we do, we will face the inevitable collapse of human society. That

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