Re-imagining Education Conference 2.0



We are organizing another conference to bring together folks from around the world that are Re-imagining Education.

The conference will be held from February 24th – 27th, 2022. Save the date and help spread the word!

Os Re-Imagining Education Conference 2.0 is a space where we will (re)unite with people reclaiming diverse ecologies of knowledge, cosmologies, and cosmopolitics both within and outside the walls of formal institutions.

We are coming together to enable new connections and deepen our relationships, to build the trust and awareness needed to collaborate and transform systems of higher education, to co-create emergent spaces of insight and joy.

We are positive that these spaces will enable practical actions and conversations, autonomous learning processes, and encounters among people from a plurality of worldviews, backgrounds, and experiences. 

The Re-Imagining Education Conference invites people, from all over the world, who are actively questioning and creating experiments around learning, which are in service of life and care for the planet.

Are you one of these people? Do you feel called to be a part of this experience? 

In collaboration with the Ecoversities Alliance and with learning communities from around the world, the Re-imagining Education Conference is a space for transformative educators to connect, re-imagine, design, and embody new approaches to higher education from within and beyond academia.

Join the Facebook Page and learn more at

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