Institute for Development Studies & Practices (IDSP)

The Institute for Development Studies and Practices (IDSP) is an alternative university opening Learning Spaces for young people to empower them in generating and regenerating responses to existing issues through critical thinking and leadership.

Balochistan, Pakistan

Through its Open Learning Spaces, IDSP provides engaging courses in critical thinking and leadership, as well as professional development to shape a meaningful career path for youth. Learners acquire knowledge and skills necessary to promote human rights, political participation, gender equality, and global citizenship–all of which will help them to improve safety and development in Pakistan. Overall, public and private sector partnerships — both domestically and internationally — help educate and empower youth at risk of militantism and extremism to become active political leaders and entrepreneurs that help drive economic growth. Media organizations document and broadcast this positive shift in equilibrium to drive systems change.



IDSP University of Community Development Campus, near Levies Thana, Hanna Urak road Quetta, Province Balochistan.


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