Notícias & Eventos

Deer Park Institute

Deer Park Institute creates an atmosphere for contemplation, compassion and courage to be nurtured through the encounters with the Himalayas, the sublime energies… With a variety of programs, workshops ranging from Zen meditation, to Kashmir Shaivism, study and debate of Buddhist sutras and shastras, Calligraphy, Wilderness writing, Haiku & Renga, Ragas and Indian classical music,

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UMA (Universidad del Medio Ambiente)

Universidad del Medio Ambiente offers Master’s Degree programs, workshops, diplomas and consulting services focusing on the sustainability and regeneration of social and environmental issues. The main value of the university is the creation of a point of union to accelerate the learning process between students, specialists and leaders in sustainability. The campus strictest to be

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Eco-village Transition Asia

The Eco-village Transition Asia brings together relentless eco-social activism and first-rate business management in the face of the ecological, social and spiritual crisis that people are facing today. Asia has come to the world’s attention in many senses. For the Eco-village, the most important aspect of Asia is her potential and actual contributions in non-anthropocentric

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Sadhana Forest

Sadhana Forest was founded in 2013 in Auroville, Tamil Nadu. People of all ages from all over India and the world are participating. This very diverse community is dedicated to the healing of the earth and its people. It is a place for personal growth and transformation. The community started two more Sadhana Forests in

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