EcoFeminist Pedagogies – Ecoversities Planetary Gathering 2020

A session on how to unlearn coloniality and racial patriarchal capitalism hosted by Alessandra Pomarico, Daniela Festa and Romina de Novellis. 

Presenting MEDUSE (Mediterranean Ecofeminist Decolonial Union for Self Education) the new Ecoversity germinated in the Mediterranean region to inquire around and fight against connected and intersectional forms of oppressions against bodies as well as territories. With an invitation to bring tools, questions, desires and struggles to think together about regenerative, relational and reparative forms of education. 

How can we recenter around life? How to disinvest from systems that put us in competition and promote scarcity? In many places and contexts, all over the world, these questions historically connect to women’s struggles and their role in social reproduction. How can we overcome patriarchy and the violence of genders ? How can we learn and teach through feminisms in our different contexts?

M.E.D.U.S.E. (Italian for jellyfish but also the acronym for Mediterrenean s Ecoversidadescofeminist Decolonial Union for Self-s Ecoversidadesducation) – is a newly born initiative in collaboration with Free Home and DOMUS Artist Residency for the autonomous rhisomatic self-organized feminist practices of sharing the knowledges.

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