Notícias & Eventos

Comuna – Bioregional Storytelling Exchange

Comuna is a collaborative cross-cultural ecosystem and alternative education platform that facilitates regenerative education and transformative cultural wellbeing offerings across physical and digital space. The experiential learning offerings of Comuna are seeded with the intention of facilitating generativity through the co-creation of bio-cultural residencies, online courses, and experiential workshops, that explore the intersections of ancestral

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Escuela Autónoma de Mujeres San Luis Potosi

Nacemos del reconocimiento, de este espacio de escucha que se genera entre resolver la crianza, el alimento, el juego y el descanso, nacemos de la necesidad arrancada, despojada, de sentirnos juntas y amadas. Encontradas en el camino, descubriéndonos en las miradas.  Como B que descubrió la importancia del apego en la crianza desde su primer

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Healing Forest Walk – Project Awe, Vietnam

“The healing forest walk”is a project with the aim of co-creating a new-type of hiking/walking tour with the Thai local people in Noong Luong, Vietnam embodying the element of deep ecology, forestry bathing, learning about medicinal forest plants infusing with traditional culture of the place. The project will start phase 1 with building and conducting a pilot walk.

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Yachay Away – Reporte de Germinadores 2022

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La Nada – Ecoversities Germinator Fund Report 2022

We invite you to check our instagram and facebook portals so that you can get access to pictures and videos of the activities being hosted, ill leave some pictures here as well. <style>/*! elementor – v3.13.2 – 11-05-2023 */ .elementor-widget-image{text-align:center}.elementor-widget-image a{display:inline-block}.elementor-widget-image a img[src$=”.svg”]{width:48px}.elementor-widget-image img{vertical-align:middle;display:inline-block}

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