Notícias & Eventos

European Regional Ecoversities Gathering 2019: Inviting the threshold. Art, Life, Pedagogy in the unfolding of the everyday

Lecce (Italy), 27.12.2019 – 3.01.2020 By Alessandra Pomarico The first European regional gathering was held in Lecce (Southern Italy) on the threshold between the year 2019 and 2020, a kitchen and a garden, the visible and the invisible, the known and the unknown. Co-hosted by artist Emilio Fantin (Lac o Lemon Foundation, Italy) and curator/educator

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4th Indian Multiversity Alliance Meeting 2019

Under the Bright Blue Sun On a sleepy rainy morning We paint a bright blue sun Drawn into this unfolding There’s nothing we can’t learn We flock together, in multicolour Each of us like none We fly in the sky, we smile and sigh We sing and dance as one To conferences & schools, structures

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Arab Ecoversities gathering in Jordan 2019: Cultural Horizon Mujaawarah

SUMMARY Hosting Organizations: Taghmees for Training, Jordan, in consultation with Cairo Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Egypt Time & Place: 4 nights/5 days (September 20th – September 24th), on a family-run eco-farm in Dibeen, Jerash located in the north of Jordan. Participants: 30 people from 9 Arab countries representing Jordan, Palestine, Iraq, Syria, Egypt,

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First African Ecoversities gathering report

A month prior to the Global gathering of 2019 in Michoacan, Mexico we had come together at the source of the Nile near Jinja in Uganda for a First African Ecoversities gathering. We extended personal invitations and reached out through our networks to share about the community of learning practitioners from around the world that

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Report for Ecoversities Residency Program. “Terra Adentro”. Brazil.

ABOUT THE PARTNERS OF THIS RESIDENCY PROGRAM “Terra Adentro” is an educational project in Brazil that researches, through experiential practices, the borders of modernity, both at systemic and at an individual level, and tries to find/create/imagine possibilities of being otherwise. As an emerging project matured during many encounters with other members of Ecoversities network, it

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