Notícias & Eventos

Childhood Harbor

By Traian Brumă Part I : Five types of watercrafts that sail towards adulthood Introduction For a quarter of a century, Ceaușescu was Romania’s omnipresent dictator; his picture adorned every wall and stamped the first page of every book published. He was executed on Christmas day of 1989 and the country was suddenly “free”. I

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From tourists to pilgrims, the pedagogy of traveling

By Sharmila Govande “A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions.” <footer> <cite>Oliver Wendell Holmes</cite> </footer> </blockquote> As part of our post graduation course in social work (1), we were required to get a glimpse of the local social development projects through a fifteen day journey.

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Walking the scarred path or discovering the sacred masculinity in us?

by Nitin Paranjape   For the past year, I have been a part of an interesting co-learning experiment called “Mensversity”. The idea first took root in informal dialogues over lunch or chai during the Indian Multiversity Alliance (IMA) meeting at the Deer Park Institute in Bir, Himachal Pradesh. The Indian Multiversity Alliance is a flexible,

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The many shades of love

by Abhishek Thakore and Dan Rudolph Love…oh love! The spice that comes in a million flavours. The joie de vivre. The feeling that makes life worth living. The only emotion that can increase intelligence. The subject of more than half the songs humanity has ever written. The essence of the Sufi’s path. And yet, our

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Emancipation and Nature. How to Draw from the Perspective of Nature? 2/4  In this episode, we answer the question: what are the emancipatory aspects or elements of an old tree that are not related to dominant ideological forms? Let’s find those tools of emancipation of the tree from dominant views, and create visual discourse of nature’s ideology using oil colours. With concrete and powerful extensions, the

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On Nature and Ideology. How to Draw from the Perspective of Nature? 1/4

Symmetry and Abstraction – Hybrid Floral Moments  Thinking in a speculative, dialectical and relational manner we can observe that symmetry is a visible aspect easily perceived in nature. In this session we focus on the relation of symmetry and abstraction. To human beings, symmetry appears through abstraction, and symmetric hybrid floral motives become visible in

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Stars Behind Bars | TSOI Documentary imagined a university inside a jail? Prisons are meant to be a place for reflection, reform and resurrection, but Indian prisons are everything but that. Amidst this general apathy, a pilot education programme at Udaipur Central Jail is showing us what prisons could be. Can prison be a place for healing, dreaming and learning?

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Vimukt Shiksha Yatra A Virtual Learning Journey

Vimukt shiksha yatra a virtual learning journey from Ecoversities The Shiksha Yatra is envisioned with an intention to inspire ideas, learning and collaborations towards re-imagining education. It will help you pause and reflect to your roots of Education. It is a platform to build new connections, meet visionaries who are doing amazing work in the

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