Going against the Current to Develop Higher Education Alternatives
Developing educational initiatives around ways of being and knowing that diverge from mainstream approaches can feel like swimming in a sea against currents of resistance.
Developing educational initiatives around ways of being and knowing that diverge from mainstream approaches can feel like swimming in a sea against currents of resistance.
Months ago, I read an article on We Are Not Numbers about a young woman named Tala who lost all her books because of the genocide in Gaza.
We live in a world where we are constantly prioritizing the wellbeing of some over others. I wonder if our current moments of deep grief and darkness can teach us to reevaluate our thought patterns of identity, community, and belonging and to accept opportunities to learn what it really means to be human.
“By advocating for self-determination and empowering individuals to shape their own futures, we are fostering a sense of agency and optimism within our community, even amidst the current challenges we face.”
Sandra Lezama (Mushuk Away, Ecuador) realizó una residencia con el acompañamiento de Ecoversidades donde tuvo la oportunidad de vivenciar y trabajar con las plantas medicinales, con la abuela Daira, en Agua de Dios, Colombia con la Fundación AMDAE (Asociación Mutual para el desarrollo integral de la Afrocolombianidad y el Empresarismo). https://ecoversities.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/sandra.mp4 https://ecoversities.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/sandra_dos.mp4https://ecoversities.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/WhatsApp-Video-2024-12-07-at-12.20.28_794f511b.mp4
Evolving Education is an online platform democratizing educational practices that empower children and youth to take responsibility for their learning, their lives and co-creating a more beautiful world. It is an unlearning and trans-personal journey that has been recorded in about 150+ hours of interviews with leading educators around the globe. “We are Luz Olid
HIRAYA Collective is a community of blind and sighted individuals – we co-create/design accessible and inclusive spaces for learning, creativity and innovation. HIRAYA (Tagalog: imagination or vision) hosts multi-sensory learning journeys, creative residencies, community workshops such as disability sensitivity and accessibility sessions. HIRAYA actively co-creates with various communities in the Philippines and beyond. HIRAYA offers
A Aliança de Ecoversidades é uma comunidade de praticantes de aprendizagem de todo o mundo, empenhades em re-imaginar a educação superior e a cultivar prosperidade humana e ecológica em resposta aos desafios críticos dos nossos tempos.
Copyleft 2018 Ecoversities
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