News & Events

Let Us Not Look Away

How can we learn to unlearn war? Ecoversities Alliance in solidarity with Gaza  Committed to unlearning the war against life that the colonial, modern, anthropocentric, capitalist, and hetero-patriarchal paradigm continuously produces – the Ecoversities Alliance is called to respond to the horrors of the present moment from and within the different voices that constitute our

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Redefining Education, Relational Art, Pain as Teacher, and Sacred Adventure: Sierra Allen Residency in Siguiendo Pasos Andinos, Ecuador

Redefinir la Educación, El Arte Relacional, El Dolor Como Profe y La Aventura Sagrada <em>An<b> Ecoversities Residency</b> rambling report by sierra ying allen :-)</em></p> <h2>REDEFINIENDO LA EDUCACIÓN</h2> <h4><strong><em>Redefining Education</em></strong></h4><p><em>”We follow the birds”</em> Growing up, this was the reason my parents gave for our annual migrations from Canada to Central America and back. I was born

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Festival Somos – First Brazilian Ecoversities Gathering, San Paolo

(portuguese abaixo – español abajo) <img width="”768″" height="”576″" src="”×576.jpg”" alt="””" loading="”lazy”" srcset="”×576.jpg" 768w, https:> <p align="”justify”">Os <i>Somos (“We Are”) Festival – Daring to Gather</i>, was the first Brazilian Ecoversities Gathering, involving União de Vila Nova, in São Paulo, in a vibrant atmosphere of (un)learning, exchange of knowledge,

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Clara Luz Pollination – The Web of Peoples & Instituto Etno, Serra Grande, Brasil

The more I know Ecoversities Alliance and the more I get involved, more I realize this is a way I find resonance with
myself, my principles and the directions I find meaningful in life. I was involved in Pollination actions for this past
cycle, but ended up myself being pollinized. It is beautiful to see how this Alliance, this movement that creates this
Ecoverse, has a force of its own. Independently of the parts that make it turn, it seems to have an atmosphere of its
own. An atmosphere that when you get in, starts touching you, like a docile stream that follows down its course
dancing around the rocks and bringing life to where it passes. So in this Pollination, for my surprise, I got touched in
a deeper level with all the care, sweetness, respect and love I have always felt from the Alliance’s own environment.
Feeling all that from inside, from the perspective of talking about it and being it, in contrast with the world that is
hearing about it and perceiving it. It’s like when we say that the best way to learn is to “teach”

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Comuna – Bioregional Storytelling Exchange

Comuna is a collaborative cross-cultural ecosystem and alternative education platform that facilitates regenerative education and transformative cultural wellbeing offerings across physical and digital space. The experiential learning offerings of Comuna are seeded with the intention of facilitating generativity through the co-creation of bio-cultural residencies, online courses, and experiential workshops, that explore the intersections of ancestral

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Residencia de Andres Fonseca en Selvatorium, Escuela Lobitos, Sierra Nevada, Colombia

La residencia que realicé en el mes de julio en la Escuela Lobitos en el Selvatorium (en la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta), apoyada por un fondo semilla de Ecoversidades, fue una experiencia integral de aprendizaje: me encantó observar la libertad con que los niños exploraban el río, la naturaleza, la cultura, los amigos, la recursividad al inventarse diversidad de juegos… me inspiró lo contextualizadas que son las dinámicas pedagógicas, las aulas vivas que van emergiendo, ver lo entusiasmada que lucía Diana, una de las estudiantes, apasionada de la literatura, ver Alicia conectada con el dibujo, la imaginación visual y literaria tan fecunda de Yaku y la sabiduría corporal y espíritu salvaje de Alisio, la complicidad de Jerson, ver como los nativos saben tantas cosas del entorno y notar el impulso y lo visionarios que son Vanessa Gocksch y Juan Carlos Pellegrino (los cofundadores del Selvatorium) motivando el liderazgo, la creación colectiva y mostrar con el ejemplo a las familias las posibilidades productivas que pueden hacer con lo que es fértil y abundante en el territorio.

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Viaje de Polinización en Willimapu, Chile – Hilando Semillas

Encarnar una perspectiva de aprendizaje constante, radical, alternativa y eco Regenerativa es una aventura que se escapa de las estructuras de la cultura tradicional Chilena, por lo cual siempre es un desafío que conlleva una gran nutrición y expansión para quienes hemos decidido crear desde esta vereda.

Por suerte en este tiempo, desde mi experiencia, la inspiración de conocer el Ecoverso y la confianza en este camino de loCURA, ha impulsado a generar redes profundas, amorosas y resilientes, las cuales hacen que el caminar por un sendero incierto sea un disfrute lleno de risas, gozo y buen vivir, tejiendo cada vez más firmes caminos en que el corazón es la brújula.

En este viaje me dispuse a generar llamados en el inviernal, lluvioso y frío Sur de Chile, en los cuales surgieron 3 encuentros colectivos nacidos desde las entrañas de Hilando Semillas a nivel local en la región de los Lagos, como también a la vez bastantes conexiones espontáneas las cuales han resonando con el sentir profundo de este tejido.

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Forging deep heart connections and Learning at Indian Multiversities Alliance Gathering at Heartfullness Centre, Kanha, Hyderabad

The annual Indian Multiversities Alliance Gathering was held at Kanha Shanti Vanam Hyderabad, from 17th August to 20th August, 2023. We were hosted by our new friends at Heartfulness Centre at Kanha. Over the four days, we shared our work together, discussed ideas for strengthening the Alliance, planned the next steps for collaborative projects, and also met and exchanged our experiences and learned from the wisdom of interesting community leaders.

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