News & Events

May Residency with the Haj Mulein Sustainable Community Farm in Siwa Oasis, 2023

(español abajo) <img width="”225″" height="”300″" src="”×300.jpg”" alt="””" loading="”lazy”" srcset="”×300.jpg" 225w, https:> <a href="/pt/””/">The Ecoversities Alliance seed fund supports residencies between ecoversities around the world</a>, as learning journeys for the exchange of cosmovisions, dreamings, inspirations. Today, Phattharaporn Srithaworn (May) from Thailand shares with us her residency in the

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Ecoversities Alliance VII Planetary Gathering South Africa 2023: Testimonials

(español abajo) Ecoversities Planetary Gathering VII: South Africa In June 2023, the Ecoversities Alliance was received by Cape Town, South Africa for the VII Global Gathering, re-uniting a multiplicity of voices and rhythms from local communities to people from all parts of the world, people who are re-imagining education from their territories, curious about their

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