Notícias & Eventos

Sulak Sivaraksa – The Pedagogy of Breathing Sivaraksa is a Thai intellectual and activist, who has played a leading role in the mobilisation of Thailand’s civil society. His life-long activism has involved the creation of a string of social welfare and development organisations; the proposal of alternatives to consumerism; and his concern for democracy, human rights and accountable government. This talk

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Ancient Pedagogy for Modern Times: Learning through Monastic Practice

By Daniel Rudolph, Selby Beebe-Lawson Editors: Linnea Schluessler and Manish Jain This is part two of an ongoing series, the first article describes the indigenous pedagogy of the Gurukul System.  For centuries, monasteries have been hubs of education and scholarship, champions of learning. The word monasticism comes from the Greek word monachos which means “living

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