News & Events

50 Years of the Barefoot College

The Barefoot College has followed the life and work style of Mahatma Gandhi for 50 years. Gandhian values of simplicity, austerity, equality, collective decision making, transparency and accountability are put intopractice.The Barefoot College has placed practical common sense at the centre of its search for solutions, and has discovered far- reaching low-cost innovations in conserving energy, schooling,

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Cycle Yatra – Swaraj University

Cycle Yatra – No money, no food, no gadgets Every year, we take our khojis for a yatra – a sacred yatra where we don’t take any money, gadgets, medicine, food, pen, paper. – A yatra that has no message, no prize. It’s a pilgrimage khojis take for a week travelling to unknown villages, without

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