Notícias & Eventos

Inner And Outer (r)Evolutions Vera Franco presents Inner And Outer (r)Evolutions – Emotional competence and other essential resources to navigate and co-create an emerging regenerative culture. Developing competence and inner/outer navigation skills is a revolutionary healing and empowering act in modern culture because it is always accessible to you, regardless of your background or circumstances. This webinar explores

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World Localization Day – June 20, 2021

WORLD LOCALIZATION DAY – JUNE 20 2021  Join us with our friends at Local Futures for another celebration of the emerging worldwide localization movement which aims to restore the community fabric and human-scale, ecological economies, with a central focus on local food systems. On Wenesday the 16th at 10am – 12pm EDT (UTC-4) The Ecoversities Alliance will

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Education as a Collective Practice

About this publication   The work of Foresta Collective explores the notions of the ecological from a variety of perspectives, aspiring to contribute to the emergence of a mindset grounded in human embodied and embedded nature, interconnectedness, and deep entanglement with the more-than-human worlds. In spring and summer 2020 amid the first wave of the

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How To Hospice The Current System – Learning With Covid can we collectively find ways to hospice the current system, imagine differently, and mobilize together to regenerate and recenter on life?  EcoversiTea (an initiative of Ecoversities Alliance) hosts Learning With Covid, a series of impulses and conversations, a space to cultivate our connection, share different knowledges, unlock personal and collective potential, responding to the

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Learning From the In Between

Notes on Common Life, Hospitality and the 2011 Movements of the Squares. 1 By Luis Moreno-Caballud and Begonia Santa-Cecilia 2 Click here to read the Spanish version of this publication. A mysterious, crucial, underground relation It is May 10th, 2011, María Paz has died, we are preparing to leave Madrid and return home. We have

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