Notícias & Eventos

Learning with COVID , S.Federici, G. Esteva , M. Fasheh

A conversation with Silvia Federici, Gustavo Esteva and Munir Fasheh curated by Alessandra Pomarico and Udi Mandel Butler. May 31st at 12,00 pm (midday) EST time.  2 hours and some minutes   Dear Ecoversities friends (Versión en español abajo)  We hope you are well and safe, and that the many threads of conversations are supporting you in

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Announcing the publications commissioned in 2019-2020

The Publication and Film Initiative of the Ecoverisities Alliance aims to support an emergence of diverse voices, a multiplicity of perspectives and a wider experiential reflections from a variety of contexts and knowledge systems, through commissioning and disseminating new works related to the role of higher education and how we imagine and practice it in

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The University of Full Catastrophe Learning

As the impact of the Covid-19 crisis spreads from the biological, to the social and the economic, many universities are confronting the realities of living in a world characterized by complexity. What are the implications for universities? How do we need to change our approach to education? 1.My early academic life was a slow moving

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