Notícias & Eventos

‘Awakening Leadership Training Program’ (ALT) 2019 at Bangkok, Thailand.

By: Avinash Neve I, Avinash Neve from Abhivaykti Media for Development, Nashik participated in the ‘Awakening Leadership Training Program’ (ALT) at Bangkok, Thailand. I am very grateful to the both persons and organisation; one is Nitin Paranjape from Abhivaytkti and second is Manish Jain from, Shikshantar, Udaipur those who are basically my supporters who gave

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European Special Thematic Gathering on Art, Pedagogy and Ecology 2019

European Special Thematic Gathering on Art, Pedagogy and Ecology  A thematic gathering was held in Lecce (Southern Italy) on the threshold between the year 2019 and 2020, a kitchen and a garden, the visible and the invisible, the known and the unknown. Representing different European Ecoversities, the group engaged with each other and with the

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Reflections on the IV Planetary Gathering in Michoacán in 2019

We wanted to share with you a report that we made about our IV Planetary Gathering in Michoacán in 2019. While at least one season has passed since then, we hope looking at these beautiful reflections and pictures can transport you back to the moments we shared in October – and inspire you to bring

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What is Industrial education? – Nariman Moustafa do we trust dehumanizing institutions with our education more than we trust ourselves? How has the global industrial education system disempowered us? Self-Directed Education (SDE) advocate and educator, Nariman Moustafa, gives us a stark picture of what “education” has come to mean.  When we understand how this system has trapped us, we can begin

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Learning Journey for Climate Resilience – South Devon Bioregion

Climate change has been called ‘the long emergency’. Resistant as humans are to change, and often fearful of the unknown, we now have a tremendous opportunity to demonstrate what humanity can be at its best, if we are able to find agency. By agency we mean ability to take action in a generative way to

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THE ECOVERSITIES STARTUP KIT – developed by India members

Each of us, individually and collectively, are capable of self-designing and selforganizing our own learning programs, learning communities and learning ecosystems. We need to reclaim our capacities to decolonize, generate and share knowledge. We need to re-open wisdom dialogues about development, progress, technology, equality, freedom and the good life.  This document is a supportive guide to setting up your

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