What my grandma left me/ Ce mi-a rămas de la bunica


More than ten years ago I was on my way to become a chemical engineer, studying at Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj, Romania. But then my grandmother died and her death radically changed my path in life: that’s when I finally started to live according to my own values. “What grandma left me” is my story of origin – the story that made all my other stories possible. 


Acum mai bine de 10 ani studiam la Universitate Babeș-Bolyai din Cluj, și eram pe punctul de a deveni inginer chimist. Dar apoi a murit bunica, iar moartea ei mi-a schimbat radical direcția în viață: abia atunci am început să trăiesc după propriile mele valori. “Ce mi-a rămas de la bunica” este povestea mea de origine – povestea care a făcut posibile toate celelalte povești ale mele.

About the storyteller, Carmen Miron

As a child I was fascinated by the “stories of real people” which I discovered in newspapers and magazines. But I didn’t know that what I liked had a name: narrative journalism.

I graduated from university in 2013 with a B.S. in Chemical Engineering and then I decided that I want to know more about the world. In 2014 I joined a program in a folk traveling high-school from Norway, One World Institute. The program focused on poverty and global inequality, and it promoted alternative ways of learning, such as learning by traveling. I ended up traveling to 15 countries, mainly focusing on their education systems, because education was my study topic of choice.

In 2015 I started a six month posting at DAPP Mkushi College of Education in Zambia where I worked as a Science teacher. This experience convinced me that I don’t want to have anything to do with traditional schooling systems. 

In 2017 I returned to Romania and I joined the Alternative University in Bucharest where I deepened my interest in self-directed education. At the same time, I managed to define my professional goal: to tell meaningful stories.

Now I live in a village with my partner. I’m studying permaculture and I’m looking for ways to become financially sustainable as a content creator.

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