The Re-imagining Education Conference FANZINE: The Inside Story

In 2021, during the onset of the COVID pandemic, the Re-imagining Education Conference was born in collaboration with the Ecoversities Alliance.

This conference emerged as a digital alternative space where learners, wisdom-tenders, researchers, academics, caretakers, dreamers, weavers, and other amazing humans from across the planet could come together to reimagine and embody new ways of learning, relating, caring, and living with nature (after living through a planetary health crisis that kept some of us confined, from each other, the more-than-human and nature).

Since the very first year, we realized that the conference left us with many seeds of ideas and possibilities. We wondered—what should we do with them? How could we carry forward the creative energy generated by the event? We decided to become gardeners of these seeds!

Now, in 2024, Andrea Gonzalez Andino and Jose Salomón Espinoza, members of the Re-imagining Education Conference Team, decided to embark on an internal project: a fanzine. The idea? To dust off our archives, identify the seeds from each year’s harvest, classify them using the compass designed by Makarios Arnand from El Nido Casa Abierta Ecoversity for the 2023 conference, and present them as a diverse and abundant garden in the form of a fanzine.

This allowed us to connect, across time and space, with the many steps taken by participants, speakers, organizations, partners, and friends over the past four years, with the Re-imagining Education Conference as a continuously expanding container for asking questions, honoring diverse knowledge ecologies, and tending to our shared soils.

Download the fanzine in the picture below:

This fanzine is built with the collective gardening and the harvest of the last 3 years from attendees, speakers, volunteers, panelists, and organizers.

We had in mind that the conference has inspired people to share poetry, drawings, notes, ideas, inspiring and profound phrases, songs; we found so
much beauty that we wanted to take the time to create this fanzine by hand. We made it in this format because it gives us the freedom to link different forms of expression.

There are many things; we couldn’t include everything. We apologize in advance if we did not include you in this compilation.

The REC conference is offered in the spirit of the gift, we believe in generosity, love and kindness and we are open to receiving gifts in return.

With fraternal love and camaraderie, the Re-imagining Education Conference Team.

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