Noticias y eventos

Education is the Metacrisis

By Zachary Stein Editors’ Note: This article was reprinted by Ecoversities with permission from the author for the Re-imagining Education Conference February 2022. The original publication can be found here.   In this article Zak elucidates that “[i]n a time between worlds there is the possibility for true novelty and emergence. The best of the best

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To Navigate Backward

The rebellious art of the Zapatistas and Chto Delat Group <strong>By Natalia Arcos Salvo *</strong> Comrades, Sisters and brothers, This is our commitment: In front of the powerful trains, our canoes. In front of the thermoelectric plants, the little lights that the Zapatistas gave in custody to women who fight all over the world. Facing

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Preparing for a Confusing Future: Complexity, Warm Data and Education

By Nora Bateson Editors’ Note: Nora originally published this piece in September 2018 in the World Academy of Arts and Sciences Journal special issue on education. In March 2020, she republished the article with this message, “As we enter this confusing moment of Covid-19 isolation and systems change, it seems to me to be a moment to

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Institutes for Technologies of Reunion

Editors’ note: This essay is a reprint with permission from the author. Charles originally published this essay on his website in 2017.   By Charles Eisenstein When I graduated from high school in 1985, college was the unquestionable next step for an intelligent, middle-class or upper-middle class young person. I entered an elite school not out

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Schooling Beliefs

By Alex Bretas INTRODUCTION The way we see the world and behave have been shaped over time by powerful influences: family, media, church, market, life, politics, groups of friends and even our habits. What about school? Have you ever wondered how this institution has been shaping our living in the world, our perception of ourselves

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What is Worth Doing?

An essay by eileen walz At the start of 2021 I made a commitment. We were deep in the winter of pandemic isolation and I was craving the type of soulful, interpersonal connection my life has often been decorated with. I knew I would have to be more intentional if I was to have more

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Huellas Matriarcales y poder patriarcal

Por Irene Ragazzini   Pasaje: Introducción Con este pequeño libro, quiero compartir una reflexión sobre el desarrollo de las estructuras patriarcales que rigen nuestras sociedades, entendiéndolas como una construcción social e histórica y por lo tanto no universales, ni naturales, ni totalizantes. En primer lugar recupero algunos principios, instituciones y prácticas que, a lo largo

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A Leap of Imagination

By Françoise Vergès No change for the good ever happens without it being imagined first, even if that change seems hopeless or impossible in the present. —Martin Espada When I was an adolescent on Réunion Island and I was walking in its impressive mountains, which all bear the names of Malagasy maroons,¹ I imagined them

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Challenges in Detoxing from the Digital World

by Kaushiek Pranoo  The Digital Age – Welcome to the Machine  The Digital Age we are part of today offers us so many comforts and conveniences of technology that no other generation before us has ever had the privilege of enjoying. A simple smartphone today can do what a dozen or more items did a

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